The kilty party
Posted: Friday, 22 June 2007 |
I wonder if it's too late for someone from emporio alanjohn to rush over to Tws' gaff with a few pairs of smiley drawers for him to take on his must be a pure coincidence that AnnieB and Tws are off on hols at the same
Flying Cat from the fourth estate
carol from over here
Scotland! Where the natives are friendly and up to the latest fashion. Visit Scotland.
mjc from NM,USA
now that is a good question FC!!mmm! How can we find out? where is sherlock holmes,or miss marple? or hector leek??
carol from over here
His bottom's on back-to-front...what a bummer!
Flying Cat from let's-make-this-a-good-one
Obviouslly Angus miles better.
Hyper-Borean from A kilt free parish
I give less than 10 to Angus re: suntan. # Where is his sporran? Hiding it, probably because he does not have a certificate of origin, eh?!
mjc from NM,USA
Mmmmm .... am I correct in assuming the larger the frame, the larger the smile? His legs would be ideal for caber tossing, would they not?
Plaid from mens' outfitters outback
He certainly looks like some kind of tosser...
Flying Cat from Liff's a Caberet
Hi! Plaid. When you say Angus's legs look ideal for caber tossing I had to wonder; did you mean his legs suggest he would be good at same or did you mean his legs would be ideal cabers?
Hyper-Borean from The Ponderosa
...that's the crux of the matter...
Flying Cat from a bifurcation
I think he and his legs are poles apart
Marlene Dietrich from Brue
There's certainly room for a few in there...
Flying Cat from Panty Ho's
Annie B., could we have a shot from/of the back, please?! Just to celebrate the Fourth of July?! Thank you.
mjc from NM, USA
I imagine the back will look very like the front, maybe slightly lower-slung, can't you just pretend? She's not here y'know....
Flying Cat from Brighton Rock
Aye, FC, I plain forgot she was on her honeymoon on a Greek island, spitting out pistachio shells as fast as her mandibles can process the nuts (when in Crete, do as the ....). Angus is not going anywhere any time soon (NiconColl and Acutely Curious can breathe a sigh of relief). Anyone seen Murdo John lately?
mjc from NM
Enjoy your turkey and pumpkin pie. Oh. That's txgiving....what do you eat on the Glorious Fourth? (Remembering what Murdo John was doing to the window with one part of his anatomy makes me truly wish NOT to see him transposing that activity to any of those referred to {or inferred} by any of the above).
Flying Cat from keeping Tws' brackets supple
Smoked ribs and fish, barbecue, all kinds of salads and "puddings"/deserts. The neighbors across the arroyo will be hosting it. Another 100 degrees (F) + day, dry heat. Tar not gurgling yet, NiconColl. # About those car incidents in London and Glasgow: close shave. Thank heavens. ).
mjc from NM,USA
Flying Cat from dribblingalloverthejoint
I never knew a couple of weeks to be so long drawnout. And no calumannabel either. Lewis must be very empty. Just as well Arnish Lighgthouse is there to keep an eye on things and cast light in dark places.
Flying Cat from missing AnnieB