Elton Chon at Inverness Cally
Posted: Tuesday, 16 January 2007 |
Would you like me to send Justin Timberlake over? or would Elvis do? or the Flotta gang might be available ...
mjc from NM,USA
It's kind of you to call the visit of Mr Chon cultural, Annie B. In addition to the above, he will also be performing one of his early household hits - Stoor Song, especially for ruthodanort, who has a very special stoorsooker.
Flying Cat from Inversneckie Cally Thistle, Elton is atrocious
Think you'll find it's Timberloch in these parts mjc.
Annie B from the usual
Isn't Elvis going to be just a bit sensorally overpowering even for an audience stuffed to the gills with cormorant&guga? (Mr Chon will also perform his big hit, Rocket Post, Man!)
Flying Cat from feeling lonesome tonight
Annie: Keep the heed hen! God Bless Lawrence
Lawrence from USA
Hi Lawrence, hear the rooster crow!
mjc from NM,USA