"Imagine Prince Harry has left the army to become a ballet dancer and moved into a garret in Camden with Pete Doherty and Wayne Sleep. Spooks has returned with a plot that is as unlikely as the above, but quite simply the most watchable thing on TV."
Andy Stuart, Rye
"An excellent start and well up to the high standards in earlier series but I was surprised quite how unsettling I found Colin's murder to be. Worse than the loss of other well-regarded characters. I keep seeing the scene in my mind's eye. It was superbly shot, the colouring atmospheric & pure, cold evil. 成人快手 drama at its best & most edgy."
Mark Hampton, Faversham, UK
"Thought the first two episodes were excellent. Bit spooky that the storyline somewhat followed V for Vendetta and included the Voice. Excellent twist and cliffhanger. Also, the brutality of the job shone through. Pity about Colin, that was a shock. Keep 'em coming!"
Andy McCaughtrie, Peterborough
"After the first series, Spooks descended into James Bond land of style over substance. What was once shocking (sudden deaths etc) is now normal and - dare I say it - somewhat tedious. It's all rather formulaic, lazy and overly sexed-up. But still good for a laugh."
Al, Rochester
"An amazing show. I will be interested to see how Juliet's paralysation will leave her state of mind, and eagerness for her job. Juliet's comment at the end was just announcing what has been on the minds of viewers since the arrival of Ruth in series 2! Of course Harry loves her, and the feeling is so clearly mutual.
Ros has the potential to become a very highly rated member of the team, and Adam is right to give her a chance. Although if she wasn't blonde and so pretty would he give her a second look?"
Dianne, Great Yarmouth
"What a disappointment the opening double episode was. A far-fetched, utterly preposterous plot and atrocious sound and visual effects. Definitely a season too far."
David, Salisbury
"Gripping, emotional, frightening and tear jerking. How could they do that to Colin? Great acting by all concerned, especially Malcolm who lost his best friend. Will be watching to see if the series can maintain the high standard. Harry 4 Ruth!"
Katie Carter, Cheltenham
"Fast moving, full of great twists and every character got their turn in the spotlight (Jo's girl power moment was fab). Colin's death must be the biggest shock since the deep fat fryer moment. Juliet can't die though.
Hermione Norris made a great, ice-cool debut but I hope the other female characters won't be sidelined because of her. It'll be difficult to top this."
Shaun, Manchester
"Great, Spooks is back, & yet another member of the team bites the dust. Why was Colin in the van alone? And why wasn't the Mi6 Spook in the brown jacket not tailed when he was spotted in the park? Is Spooks playing it for real with a staff shortage? Rupert (Adam) is fantastic. Any chance of Tom Quinn re-appearing in the future?"
Lord Glencairn, Glasgow