MI5's suspicions are aroused when Robert Morgan, a known mercenary, is seen visiting a top secret disused Soviet arms dump whilst under routine surveillance.

Morgan is brought in and during questioning it becomes clear that he is more significant than could have been imagined. The team have found a laser target missile designator - but another one is missing. They've got 72 hours to stop the guided missile reaching its target in central London. But what is the target and why?
Meanwhile, Harry confides in Ruth that he has been invited to apply for the MI5 Director General position. Ruth offers to help him prepare for the interview.
 Back at Thames House, Adam and Danny, under immense time pressure, begin the interrogation of Morgan. Morgan claims that he's just a private courier and knows nothing. He's lying. Danny goes for a mercenary's weakspot - money. He offers him money for the information. It doesn't work. He threatens to ruin his life. It doesn't work.
They decide to put him in a stress position - aka torture. Sleep deprivation and a constant siren in his cell drive him half mad. Toxins in his water bring on severe food poisoning. The team is uncomfortable with this, except Adam, who, despite having been tortured and interrogated himself, feels that the ends justify the means.
 Meanwhile, the team have uncovered a link between Morgan's bank account deposits and an oil company. Fiona makes contact with an oil company bigwig and uses the knowledge of her extra-marital affair to blackmail her for information. She comes up trumps - the source reveals that Morgan is employed by the company. But what could they require a missile for? - to 'remove' a London-based rival company from the bidding of a multi-billion pound oil pipeline route deal.

But despite the torture, Morgan, well-versed in anti-interrogation techniques, will not reveal the whereabouts of the designator. Will the team go as far as to use his ill daughter to make him talk? Adam has no such qualms. Morgan has no choice - he tells them where it is and the potential catastrophic strike is alleviated.
Back at Thames House, Harry hears that he didn't get the Director job. But he's not disappointed because he wants to continue working on ground level. However, he isn't happy that a 'politician' got it instead...

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