Saturday morning. Danny and Colin practice their firing technique on MI5's gun range. Zoe and fianc茅 Will are still madly in love. Ruth watches old movies at home whilst longing for real-life romance.
 Ruth receives a package of tapes from Malcolm featuring a man they are bugging as part of their housekeeping surveillance. She is rumbled on the Grid by Sam: she's spending more time than necessary listening to the tapes. From listening to the tapes she knows everything about him, and he's perfect for her. Sam, under instruction from Harry to keep a close eye on her, encourages Ruth to meet him... but does Ruth have the courage to start a relationship with him?
 Zoe and Danny, tension building between them thanks to her relationship with Will, are tasked to 'play scarecrow'. They are to follow scientist Dr Newland onto a North Sea ferry headed for Kristiansand. They have to warn him off meeting a contact in Norway who they believe will fund Newland's research into pneumonic plague. MI5 has learnt that Newland is perfecting a process which will enable him to mass produce and deliver the plague to a large population. This means biochemical warfare.
 It's not until Zoe and Danny are half way across the North Sea that MI5 get wind of a fact that changes everything. Newland isn't planning to do a deal to fund his research, the deal's already been done. He's planning to sell the stuff. This changes things radically and Danny and Zoe find themselves being instructed by Adam and Harry to assassinate this man. Zoe and Danny are shocked to find that they've already been provided with a lethal injection kit to use on Newland. They feel betrayed by Harry and Adam. They don't want to carry out the task - cold-blooded murder is not part of the job description or their moral code.

With Zoe suffering from severe seasickness, the task falls on Danny's shoulders. Adam persuades him that one death is worth the potential loss of lives caused by the biochemical warfare. Danny has little choice but to carry out the task. But the deed looks set to alter him forever.
Meanwhile, Ruth engineers an opportunity to meet her mystery man. They seem to 'click' but she is saddened that he doesn't ask her out and this opportunity for love is lost.
Back from the mission, Danny is forced to come clean to Zoe that Will's brother knows she's a spy. Devastated, she confronts Will. He denies it, but she is inconsolable. She ends the relationship.

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