
As Britain teeters on the brink of war with Iran, Harry finally gets fed-up of turning a blind-eye to the CIA acting as though they run the country. He steps in and prevents an unofficial extradition of a terrorism suspect, telling Alex Roscoe of the CIA that he had to follow the correct procedure in future.
Deciding that the suspect, Louis Khurvin, poses no serious threat to national security, Harry releases him. Within days Khurvin has shot the MI5 officers who were watching him and disappeared. Juliet is furious that Harry's actions had such a disastrous result and he is sacked from the service.

It appears that Khurvin is planning a major terrorist attack, and the team race against time to track him down. They trace his movements to a credit company based in London. The company has security and anti-hacking devices way beyond what would be expected and it appears Khurvin has been meeting a man named Nick Pollard who works there.

Adam and Jo break into Pollard's office and download data from his computer. Meanwhile Zaf follows Pollard. However Pollard is skilled at counter-espionage techniques and obviously smells a rat. He quickly turns around and returns to his office. Adam and Jo only just get out in time. Pollard's skill at protecting his data and avoiding being followed raises suspicions at MI5. They start to wonder if he is working for the CIA.

Meanwhile, Harry too is being watched. The team have been forbidden to make contact with him, but nevertheless Adam meets him. The pair manage to defy the surveillance and Adam gets Harry a copy of the files. Harry meets a retired CIA officer and pumps him for information. He discovers Pollard is not CIA, but may have been trained by them. It's in the US Government's interest for Pollard to incite Khurvin to commit a terrorist attrocity. This will give them the lever and the public support to bring the US and the UK into a war against Iran.

Meanwhile Colin and Malcolm analyse the data from Pollard's files. They discover a missile attack is planned against a plane. Jo, Zaf and Adam follow Khurvin to a field on the perimeter of the airport. They catch him seconds before the missile locks onto a plane, so are forced to shoot him dead. Harry goes over to Pollard's office and confronts him with the evidence.
Harry fools the CIA into thinking they will finally get their terrorist, and arrives at the meeting point with Pollard. The CIA have no choice but to accept that Pollard, a US citizen, is the real terrorist. They are forced to apply for extradition through the normal channels. As well as preventing a major terrorist attack the team have managed to prevent the UK being dragged into a war with Iran. Harry's instincts about not letting the CIA have everything their way have been proved right, and he is reinstated.

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