Shockwaves are running through the heart of government today as a renegade MI5 officer goes on the run today after assassinating the head of the armed forces.
 Tom received a tip-off from Christine Dale. She'd accidentally got hold of information that a known American assassin had been sent to Britain by the Iraqis. Apparently the CIA were determined not to let MI5 know, but she felt if there was a risk of the assassination of a major British figure then Tom ought to know. But he mustn't tell anyone else.
 He secretly talked Zoe and Danny into helping him. Zoe was immediately uncomfortable with keeping secrets from Harry, and suspicious about the whole thing, none of it seemed to add up, and Tom was behaving very strangely. So Danny followed Tom, and stumbled upon evidence that Tom was preparing a legend secretly. Zoe and Danny began to suspect that Tom had gone bad.
 Tom managed to win a last bit of trust out of Zoe and Danny and they followed a trail of evidence to a deserted farm in Suffolk. There they were ambushed and chained up. Danny confronted Tom about the legend, but Tom denied knowing anything about it, claiming he was being set up.
 Danny and Zoe were drugged, and when they woke Tom was gone. The rushed back to the office and told Harry everything. Meanwhile Tom was tricked into putting his fingerprints on a gun, and the mysterious CIA man admitted he had a personal grudge against Tom and was out for revenge.
 When Tom came to he rushed to the nearest house, and phoned the office, warning them there was a planned assassination and his fingerprints would be on the gun. It was too late. The assassination had already taken place, and the team were convinced Tom was to blame. He was desperate to prove he'd been set-up and persuaded Harry, Danny and Zoe to come and meet him. |
 The set-up had been too good. There was no way he could persuade any of the team of his innocence. Tom was cornered and as Harry threatened to call in back-up, Tom took the only way out. He shot Harry and ran. When he reached the beach he just kept going, and swam out to sea and an uncertain future. |