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28 October 2014

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Your reviews and comments for Spooks 4 Episode 3:

"I quite enjoyed this episode. Interesting to watch an MI5 text-book operation about destroying a potentially dangerous group of nutters.

Adam had to make a difficult choice by putting a crossbow bolt through some poor bloke's leg. Rather him, than me! This was quite unexpected and shocking.

The final part of the episode had echoes of Series 1's second episode. Nice idea of Adam and Ruth being targeted by the baddie armed with a crossbow. Adam needs to go back to the gym so he can do the 100 yard dash a bit more swiftly!

Nit picking section - If Adam's flat had cameras in it, why didn't the safe-house? And a safe-house isn't safe if the opposition know about it.

Best lines - Ruth: Should I hit him again? Adam: Only if you want to."

Adrian Banfield, York

"Great. I loved the storyline, it had me on the edge of my seat. I love that Ruth is getting involved - fantastic character, fantastic acting, amazing eye colour - are they real? Adam's character is very hands on - will he ever have a storyline where he doesn鈥檛 have to hit someone? Give him a break - leave him in the office co-ordinating his troops, but not out of it all together - he IS rather attractive after all.

My only complaint is why couldn't it finish with the well-done, textbook operation? Rather than the death of another officer and a facedown between the baddie and Adam Carter, and, of course, dragging poor Ruth into it. Surely sometimes they must have a success without any oops moments. They are professionals after all."

Amelia, Essex

"Whilst the nuances and strengths of each team member were played out extremely well, I had to wonder if Zaf's last call to Sampson didn't tip him off to what was happening and therefore cost "Auntie May" her life plus place Adam and Ruth in mortal peril.

Perhaps this demonstrates to us a weakness of Zaf's to complement his resourcefulness, whilst in turn Ruth's inexperience in the field saw her walk into danger needlessly.

As my favourite member of the team now, I just hope Ruth's learned her lesson. As she has a physical vulnerability that is less than reassuring and serves to heighten the tension to an unbearable degree at times. Of course, that just contributed to this episode making for compulsive viewing right up to the final frame."

Adam Chamberlain, London

"This was one of the best episodes of Spooks I have seen so far. I switched straight over to watch the next episode on 成人快手 THREE! The issues they deal with are really relevant to todays society and I thought they handled the race issue with real skill. The acting is top notch - I can't get enough of Spooks."

Martin Kent, Watford

"An uncharacteristicly weak episode. I wasn't very comfortable with the team's undemocratic stance. "Destroying democracy to protect it", as Fiona said. How very poetic, but next time, scriptwriter, leave your politics at the door and concentrate on making the bad guys look bad without taking the easy way out."

Rich, Bath

"Why are the writers putting the characters into unbelievable situations, just for the sake of a good dramatic moment? Do they seriously expect us to believe that an agent would go into a safe-house alone when she thought there was going to be danger - especially after being instructed to wait by anther agent? Come on 成人快手 - where's the realism and the ring of truth?"

Liz M, Essex

"Spooks was the best programme on TV, but I suppose it was inevitable that it would eventually succumb to the obvious and make a politically correct statement instead of an entertaining episode. Personally I watch fiction to get away from the indoctrinations that the government likes to pile on us, not to watch an extra hour of it.

Worst episode yet in all four series. Please don't do it again."

Mark F, Manchester

"Another breathtaking episode from an amazing team. I particularly enjoyed the involvement of Ruth, we need to see more of her. And I hope to see more of Colin and Malcolm as the series progresses. Otherwise a fantastic episode, and I can't wait for the next one."

Alex Moore, Basingstoke, Hampshire

"There are only so many issues you can deal with before you start treading familiar paths, revisiting themes that were covered so effectively in the first two series. I feel the latest series is pretentiously complex, relying heavily on "style", and is veering towards self-parody. The production is excellent, acting superb, but it does not work for me. It's like a modern performance of "be-bop" jazz - terribly talented, but you've heard it all before. No offence intended towards the excellent actors."

Robert Furnell, UK

"Great to see topical issues being explored. Islamic terrorism has been a theme of several stories and it's good to see Spooks, rather than being cowed by notions of Political Correctness is using real fears and tensions to create compelling storylines."

G Stone, Barnsley

"Series 4 just gets better and better. I'm glad Ruth is getting out and about a bit more as well. She is underused if you ask me. I wish the producers would give us what we all want - a Ruth and Harry relationship!"

David Sweeney, Edinburgh

"What has happened to Spooks? I was so looking forward to the next series and couldn't wait to see what Harry and his team had to solve next. However I was amazed to see that the storylines have lacked depth and the usual suspense we as fans are used to has vanished. Does it really take an MI5 agent to turn someone's water off? Spooks took us out of the everday norm. We see terrorists and racism everyday on the news, we don't want to watch it as a series as well."

Penny Abrams, High Wycombe

"Fantastic episode! Everything you could want from Spooks. The whole team working together for the outcome, (new cast members have really settled in now) a gripping finale, the dark and more softer side to Adam, and a nice light touch from Ruth at the end. Well shot and great acting."

Fragments, Cambridge

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Full cast and crew listings for Episode 3

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