Reinigeadal from Geo na Craoibhe
Posted: Tuesday, 05 September 2006 |
Unusual view here - Reinigeadal from inside the sea cave Geo na Craoibhe, Molinginish.

Posted on Molinginish at 14:31
Maduinn mhath/good morning from Molinginish
Posted: Monday, 18 September 2006 |
The summer seems to go on longer than we might hope. Some mornings the air is cold and autumnal, then in the afternoon a warm breeze with the smells of summer returns. The heather is now turning, the purple fading, after one of the finest displays we have seen for many years. The gannets and cormorants, the porpoises and the seals are all about still. But the days are rapidly shortening. Last night it was dark before nine, then the air cooled and cleared and the stars came out in brilliance. Without street lights, indeed without an electric light this side of the loch, you can see by the light of the Milky Way, which last night pulsated with energy as if alive - and maybe it is. This morning the sunrise was unsurpassable, then it rained for a short time. We are stocking up for winter - coal, paraffin, meths, tilley lamp mantles, flour, oatmeal, etc etc.Soon the boat will have to come out of the water before the real gales start.

Posted on Molinginish at 01:32
Ceann Loch Trollamaraig
Posted: Friday, 22 September 2006 |
I don't suppose that this counts as a deserted village, but it is the next thing to it. Another son of Fionnlagh Og Campbell, by the name of Donald, left Molinginish and set up home at the head of Loch Trollamaraig, probably about the late1820's. The ruins of his house can be seen above the shore there, to the south of the bridge and below the last bend in the track from Urgha. There is not much left of the house as I think most of the stones were taken to build a nearby fank and perhaps some were incorporated in the track. On the hill side above, there are many old feannagan - cultivation ridges where he would have grown potatoes and oats. I believe he left after just a few years and moved to Scarista in south west Harris, then to Finsbay in the Bays of Harris where his descendants still live. He died a young man in about 1845.

Posted on Molinginish at 13:32
Garadh a' bhaile
Posted: Sunday, 24 September 2006 |
1 comment |
There was, in the days before fences were invented, a garadh or head dyke around the village to keep stock out and away from growing crops. Maybe it was the last line of defence as the village employed one or two young lads as herds. The dyke had a stone footing and apart from where the track passes through would have been mostly built of turf. The gateway is in the process of being reinstated, with one side complete and the other awaiting the return of our stonemason from foreign parts.

Posted on Molinginish at 17:58
Amazing weather continues
Posted: Sunday, 24 September 2006 |
The very mild weather continues. Last night the stars blazed overhead, yet it was warm enough to be out in shirtsleeves. The air was very still and we could hear the seals singing out at Eileanan a' Bhaigh.The outermost of the three, Eilean Mor a' Bhaigh can just be seen here. It has been an amazing year for rowan berries. Rowan trees as well as aspen, birch, willow and honeysuckle grow wherever grazing animals cannot reach them. The midges are few now but there are still one or two huge dragonflies patrolling about whenever the sun comes out.

Posted on Molinginish at 20:18
Tha i a fas dorch trath an nis...................
Posted: Wednesday, 27 September 2006 |
Aye the nights are fair drawing in. Nothing like 1940's technology at a time like this. And remembering those of us in foreign parts.............

Posted on Molinginish at 20:47
Molinginish ist der Platz, zum zu sein!
Posted: Friday, 29 September 2006 |
With thoughts of the many far flung friends of Molinginish:-
Molinginish ist der Platz, zum zu sein!
Molinginish odre膽eni 膷lan najbolji mjesto unutra odre膽eni 膷lan svet!
Molinginish is het werkhuis voor zitten!
Molinginish 斜褘褌褜 谐褉邪屑屑邪褌懈褔械褋泻懈泄 芯锌褉械写械谢械薪薪褘泄 褔谢械薪 屑械褋褌芯 泻 斜褘褌褜!
Molinginish c'est la place 锚tre 芒g茅!
Posted on Molinginish at 21:39