Sron an t-Siorraim
Posted: Wednesday, 06 August 2008 |
A view across Loch Trollamarig from above Molinginish. If you look closely left of centre - it becomes clearer if you enlarge the relevant area - you can see a shadow cast against the hillside which looks like the profile of the face of a man with a prominent nose. The protruding ridge just to the left of this is what produces the shadow in the evening light. This ridge, marked on the OS map as 'Kerram' is known locally as Sron an t-Siorraim (the sheriff's nose). The reason for this name is only apparent from the Molinginish side of the loch and only in the right conditions. Who the sheriff was nobody can tell me - whoever he was he had a nose to be proud of. (With thanks to Caz for noticing this).

Posted on Molinginish at 23:43
Aig mullach na bealaich
Posted: Friday, 08 August 2008 |
The North Harris Trust have carried out a huge operation to renovate the track all the way from Urgha to Reinigeadal and the track is now better than it ever was in living memory. At the junction where the track to Molinginish leaves the main track they have erected this beautiful direction stone. Commissioned by the Trust and executed by the now famous Jon Hearach it was lifted by helicopter earlier this year and set in position where it will remain for many a year to come. No excuses for going astray now!

Posted on Molinginish at 00:39