Poor Annie B
Posted: Monday, 22 October 2007 |
Oh deary me, I hope that Annie B will get her feeling back. We need our Annie to be Usual, or from the Usual, or drinking her Usual? It's one of them, I just can't remember which. Get well soon Annie B.
Tws from Lewis
Calum:- send over me,so she can profit of the fact i'm still playing at being florence nightingale
tws weather girl from freezing to the bones
Is she not ambidextrous? A woman o' pairts like AnnieB can surely handle a mouse with her left paw and type sinisterly too... AAAAWWWWWWWW!!!!
Flying Cat from Virtual Get-well card by Funny Bone
Assuming this is not Calum. on a lark, all the best to you Annie B. # Ulnar, Calum.? # Trust Annie B. to be incapacitated through damage to her "funny bone".
mjc from NM,USA
Used to live near Ashton, home of the Conker championships. It was won by an Englishman. They take it very seriously. So what was Annie B using to practice with? Could it be that too much practice with dead gugas damaged the ulnial nerve?
Nic from Coll
mjc this is not calum on a lark or on any other bird for that matter.
calumannabel from just a few paces from the usual
Will that be the next big thing on Lewis...finding a bird for Calum?
Flying Cat from thinking of Fank '08
Finding me a bird would certainly be a big defining moment for my wife. I never tell her I've been to the Fank. She thinks I'm away playing chess.
calumannabel from Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
Oh. I am SO sorry. I do hope that careless comment does no long-term damage to spousal harmony. I couldn't live with myself otherwise.
Flying Cat from sackcloth&ashes
Whos gping to censor us now, can we write anything.......get well soon Annie B.
Fred from Point
See the first comment up there? It can't be from someone called Tws, because he has ceased to be...I mean, he seems to have cease to be Tws...rather than actually falling orff his perch...I hope.
Flying Cat from puzzled&confused
Why would TWS want to be reincarnated? Unless he wanted to make political amends and change his name to "theblacksettler"
mjc from NM,USA
awww ... that's too bad not being able to text, type, hold a mouse, or any other useful activity. I'm most concerned about her ability to wash and shave and .... well let's not go there...how is she managing.... oh dear, why can't I just say get well soon...
scallowawife from in awe
This is a great chance for Annie B to read War & Peace....or do a lot of crosswords, sudoku etc. I hope she enjoys her enforced convalescence!
Stromness Dragon from The library in the east wing
Couldn't Annie B - the funniest blogger in the Western hemisphere (I can't read Chinese) recuperate as a stand-up comedienne touring Europe (and that's not a misspelling)? We love her! That is, me and my pal in Stockholm. Who/where is her manager??
Barney from Swithiod, not on an island
The mere threat of having to read War and Peace would be enough to produce instant wellness in anyone...
Flying Cat from ...never mind Walter Scott...
Two new translations out, so I heard. What on earth for, you ask? So do I.
mjc from NM,USA
Is there an update or is the straw still strewn outside the front door?
Flying Cat from just asking like...