I'm fed up of spin....
Posted: Thursday, 13 September 2007 |
Obviously Mr Paddington had to disassociate himself from 'Marmalade chum' and FC, but switching to Marmite might be a step too far. PS, please don't accuse IB of having a social conscience.
Foxy from The lair
I am outraged!
Indigent Marmalade Chum from Rolling Acres Catacombs
I guess they just expected the news to spread.
Annie B from the usual
I'm pleased to see that the Asian community on Lewis is contributing to the multiculturality of the music scene...
Flying Cat from A raga baga
Little known fact: honey is made by bees, but Marmite is made by wasps.
Stromness Dragon from Out of the rain
Pooh pooh - oh, sorry, wrong bear
Arnish Jamjar from Stornoway
In the USA, we blame WASPs for many things, but usually not for making marmite ...
mjc from NM, USA
glad to see a sense of humour and quick wit still exists. g`day .
wilma duthie from australia
Was there ever doubt on the matter?
Flying Cat from wittering on