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Last updated at 11:57 BST, Thursday, 28 May 2009


Iolanda Casala

This recipe was sent in by Iolanda Casala from Catalonia

I am from Barcelona. I have sent you a traditional recipe from Catalonia. It is easy, tasty and really appropriate to eat in the summer because it is cold and healthy.

Iolanda Casala


The finished dish.


  • 3 red peppers
  • 3 aubergines
  • 2 small onions
  • 1 jar of anchovies
  • 1 tin or jar of black olives without stones (optional)
  • Salt
  • Olive oil
  • A loaf of rustic bread


  1. Clean the peppers and aubergines and peel the onion.
  2. Put the vegetables (peppers, aubergines and onions) on a baking tray and put it into a pre-heated oven.
  3. When the ingredients are soft and toasted on the outside, take them out (normally after an hour).
  4. Put to the side to cool. Peel the vegetables and slice them length ways. Be sure to remove the seeds from the peppers.
  5. Toast a few slices of the rustic bread.
  6. Put the slices of bread on a dish. Place a couple of slices of each vegetable on the toast. Don't forget the anchovies (and, if you want, black olives).
  7. Drizzle some olive oil on top and sprinkle with salt to taste.
  8. Eat and enjoy!
Serves 2 people

Your comments

What do you think of this recipe? Have you tried it?

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This topic has now closed. Thanks for all your comments.

Dina, Egypt
Great and v soft, suitable in summer.

Hania Ahwazi
Yummy, it looks very delicious. I'll try it...

Raman, India
it wonderful ;; osamm

Joachim, Tanzania
amaizing wow!

It麓s a good recipe from Catalonia, a beatiful region of Spain

Djahida T, Algeria
I like such vegetarian dishes because they are so healthy and we, as mediterian poeple, are lucky by all these kinds of fresh vegetables. Thank you Iolanda, it's so delicious!

Hnin Hnin, Burma
It is easy to cook. I like to cook food. Now I have a new curry from you. it is Hmmmm.

Victor, Spain
Looks great! What temperature did you set the oven?

Sergi, Catalonia
I like it with chopped raw garlic (don't try to kiss someone, afterwards).

James, China
very nice!

Turgut, Turkey
Hey Lovely Iolanda your smile and recipe are really lovely I'll get my friend cook at the weekend with the garlic'cos I'm a teacher.

Rick, Lyon
last summer I visited Catalonia and I ate this recipe. It`s one of the best meal I`ve ever tasted. Wonderfull. I recommed you

Seyda, Turkey
It looks delicious.Normally we cook aubergine like this but I dont know the ancovy. I will try, thank you Iolanda..

Luis, Santiago, Chile
Hi I read your recipe and I cooked it. It tasted delicious.Thank you I'm studing english as a second language, and this is a very good practice fo me, bye

Milan, Czech Republic
It seems very simply. I will try do it with garlic at the weekend :). Thanks Iolanda

Monia, Montreal
I tried it a delight! Thank you

Leon, Syria
It's looks wonderfull and very delicious Hmmmm good job

Lili, Belgium
You've made my mouth water...My husband is going to cook it for me, it really seems delicious! Thank.

Mercedes, Galicia, Spain
it's delicious, thank you for your receip, I have eaten in your region, but I didn't know to cook it, but I think it was with cod and no anchovies, is it possible?

Adil, Saudi Arabia
It seems nice meal thanks

Alf Bennett, Liverpool
Molt be! Moltes gracies. It sounds excellent

Ben 10, Myanmar
I have tried it. I like it because it is tasty and it is good for health.

Cris, Catalonia
Today it's warm and I prepared escalivada. I put red peppers, aubergines, small onions and small potatoes. Everything dressed with olive oil and then salted before cooking in the oven for about one hour. Peppers and aubergines have to be peel.

Orfa, Colombia
I like it,I made it is easy, healthful and fast, Thanks

Bogdan, Ukraine
The recipe is actually nice and tasty, it could be more tasty if you would grill those vegetables on barbecue and skin them afterwards.Caucasian nationalities use those kinds of grilled vegetables including tomato and potherbs but only without adding anchovies as the most tasty sauce to their grilled meat. Just try it!Thanks Iolanda

Antia, Galica, Spain
I recomend to taste it! is delicious!!

Yulia, Ukraine
It's really tasty)) Thank's for a good recipe=)

Maria, Greece
Sounds good.The recipe leaves room for interesting experimentations.Thank you Iolanda.

Egidio, Italy
really wonderful, I like catalan food, it loks like food in the south of Italy, e.g. - pa amb tomaquet - the special catalan recipe.

Shen, China
It looks beautiful. I like the pepper.

Michel, France
Very nice but personally, I don't like anchovies, may I put some sardina?

Fatih, Turkey
It looks good. There is a smilar meal in Turkey named "aubergine salad". But, vegetables are toasted on embers and this salad is eaten with other meal. It is not main meal. Also it does not include anchovies. I keen on try different form of this recipe. Thanks Iolanda.

Anood, UAE
You are very nice and wonderful.

Drek, Slovenia
good job

Carles, Catalonia
I also think that escalivada is a very tasty and healthy dish.Anchovies are delicious, but might be rare finding them in many countries. You also can do a good escalivada without them.The catalan word "escalivada" means grilled vegetables.

Sandra, Spain
I'm from Catalonia too, and escalivada is really good! You can prepare it changing a little the recipe, depending on your tastes about ingredients, but always is good! ;) Enjoy your meal!! (Bon profit! -in Catalan-)

Shokrea, Iran
we haven't the anchovies in Iran so I can't test this recipe

Jplittlemunchy, Japan
It's very nice! The ingredients are always available in my country and it's easy to make! Especially those who are living alone like me:) Thank u!!

Naila, Pakistan
yes i tried it but the test was not good

Jey Lee, just citizen of the world
i'm looking for this recipe

Hong, S.Korea
I'm about to go to the market to buy vegetables! I've never eaten this and I'm look forward to tasting it. It looks nice!

Ringo Ho, China
The dish look like the Pizza.It's easy to make,isn't it?Thank u!!! I will ready to make it on this weekendBY the way, what's mean of "Escalivade"

Rachel, Israel
when I was in Barcelona I eat this dish many times. I like it very much but didn't know how to make it. Thanks for teaching me I will try it

Norma, Argentina
do you need to drizzle some olive oil on the baking tray before put the vegetables into a oven?

Helen, Russia
You are very nice.


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