Sunday's Outing
Posted: Wednesday, 05 September 2007 |
More pictures and purrsonal details of Pepper please...I have few enough catfriends on ib...
Flying Cat from feeling a lert
Hi IB's -Pepper here - I dont know where I came from but I was rescued from Battersea - they dont know how old I am so I cant have a birthday - all together now "aaww" but I love this Mull place - loads of voles which I leave on the backstep for Mum to tread on - you should hear her scream! I dont eat them just like playing with them till they turn stiff! Where do you go on your holiday - mum was looking for somewhere for me to go so she could go off somewhere - purrr
Pepper from Mull - Iloveavolefor tea
great snaps---i can see tws's face from over here---i've just mailed him one of new kitty-marmaduke,smirk smirk!
carol from the usual place
Fairly nice cat, Wild Freckle, quite: I have seen worse. Shucks, you don't have to go far on IB to see them, if the truth be told (which of course I don't intend to do). Pepper has interesting sheen/ colorings/markings: like the coats I have seen on old magazines ... # A real cockney, eh? and you can prove it via birth certificate? What does it say: Sydney, Australia?! Hobart, Tasmania?!? (kidding).
mjc from NM,USA
That was no sheep streaking by: just an in the buff iblogger face shod in balaclava, looking for all the world like a lost Viking. 'tis a new game on the islands, orginating, so rumor would have it, from Sanday.
mjc from NM,USA
Not a sheep ... most likely a seagull [I think]. I must say I can see exactly why you prefer Mull to London ... there is no comparison. Beautiful photos. Psst ... drop Santa a note, that will give him time to get those elves busy on a camera.
Plaid from a quiet place
Hello Pepper, always nice to have another feline to chat to...I'm a rescue cat too, but I have some very dedicated staff these days, though female staff does seem to have a problem with some of my 'gifts' *furry smirk*
mia from purrondering at the pc
Oh no. Evidence of assaults by Pepper now. What is pussiety coming to? Chrissie Mary suggests that all cats do national service as adolescents to prepurr them for a responsible, law abiding role in their community.
Annie B from the usual
Pepper, indeed. So long as the next blog does not show the picture of some feline/felon named Salt!! # Anyway, you sound like a hardened cat, Pepper, playing with voles till they turn stiff. To every season ....: one of these days you might be the one to get stiffed (hello, Coco, how are you?!). Learn from mia: she is a rescued cat, and is all sweetness. Wonder whether FC was accidentally rescued as well?
mjc from NM,USA
I was purrposely 'rescued' from Finstown and it was a very deliberate rescue indeed. Afpu trotted off with Father Alec Christmas while fpu stayed with Mrs Christmas and chose me SPECIALLY from a heap of several kitties. None was as lovely as me. Obviously.
Flying Cat from own goal
thank you, mjc, you are, as always, a soul of taste and discretion, unlike a certain Utter Hebridean who we won't name!
mia from fluffed and purred
It is a sad, but true, fact of life, doubtless learned the hard way by fpu: even the best of us make mistakes. You probably were sweetness and light when young, FC, but something happened on the way discovered that hunting can be fun?
mjc from NM,USA
Now, I remember FC, of course you are from Finstoon. And Magic Marmalade is from Birsay, right? Ever since I read George Mackay Brown I have wanted to visit the place. Talking about literature: two days ago, finally got me the recently republished Highland River by Neil M. Gunn. Perhaps I shall start on it today: it's pretty good, is it not?
mjc from NM,USA
If tws has his way it'll soon be own gaol, FC
Annie B from the usual
Oops! Thanks AnnieB...I'm always getting my goals/gaols in a twist.
Flying Cat from Cat House of Correction