Any advice for first time blogger? Thought I'd do a Screen Machine Review
Posted: Wednesday, 29 June 2005 |
I'm wasting valuable working time this afternoon messing around on the net and came across this island blogging thing! This is my first go so if I've got it all wrong please let me know.
The Screen Machine is on the Island this week so I thought I'd write a quick review of the movie that was on last night as it's on again on Thursday in Brodick.
Starts at 8.30pm - about 10.45pm book tickets at or phone 01463 720 890
The Interpreter
Staring Nicole Kidman & Sean Penn
Directed by Sydney Pollack
2hours 15 min approx.
This is a dark political thriller with a bit of romance thrown in. Kidman plays a United Nations interpreter who claims she overheard an assassination plot. Penn plays the Secret Service man responsible for the safety of one of the African UN delegates. The story revolves around Penns' investigation of the risk posed by Kidmans' claim, finding whom the assassin/s is or are and who Kidman is, against a background of genocide, terrorism and political machinations. The story is cleverly told in a fast fresh way without the annoying improbabilities that crop up in many thrillers, we discover new layers and dimensions to the characters as the story unfolds and they actually managed to keep me guessing to the end. I definitely enjoyed this movie, there was more than one involuntary scream from the audience but it is certainly not a feel good film, there is extreme violence and the worst horrors being committed in Africa are brutally portrayed. Therefore although The Interpreter has a 12A rating personally I think this is not a movie for children and would be better served with a 15 certificate. Having said that this is an exceptional film telling a completely new story within the best traditions of movie making.
As for the new Screen Machine lorry, this was the first time I've been in the new one and it's great! There are actually a few less seats than the last one but the seats are bigger and more comfortable. They are alternating evenings with Sahara on for the second time tonight (Wed.29th June) I haven't seen Sahara yet but it looks like an Indiana Jonesey type of adventure flick. If anyone has seen it let me know what you thought. There's a kids flick on at about 5.30pm but can't remember what it is. Have a look at all the details are on there.
Is there anything interesting happening on the island this weekend for those of us that can't go to the G8?
Right, hope that was ok.
The Screen Machine is on the Island this week so I thought I'd write a quick review of the movie that was on last night as it's on again on Thursday in Brodick.
Starts at 8.30pm - about 10.45pm book tickets at or phone 01463 720 890
The Interpreter
Staring Nicole Kidman & Sean Penn
Directed by Sydney Pollack
2hours 15 min approx.
This is a dark political thriller with a bit of romance thrown in. Kidman plays a United Nations interpreter who claims she overheard an assassination plot. Penn plays the Secret Service man responsible for the safety of one of the African UN delegates. The story revolves around Penns' investigation of the risk posed by Kidmans' claim, finding whom the assassin/s is or are and who Kidman is, against a background of genocide, terrorism and political machinations. The story is cleverly told in a fast fresh way without the annoying improbabilities that crop up in many thrillers, we discover new layers and dimensions to the characters as the story unfolds and they actually managed to keep me guessing to the end. I definitely enjoyed this movie, there was more than one involuntary scream from the audience but it is certainly not a feel good film, there is extreme violence and the worst horrors being committed in Africa are brutally portrayed. Therefore although The Interpreter has a 12A rating personally I think this is not a movie for children and would be better served with a 15 certificate. Having said that this is an exceptional film telling a completely new story within the best traditions of movie making.
As for the new Screen Machine lorry, this was the first time I've been in the new one and it's great! There are actually a few less seats than the last one but the seats are bigger and more comfortable. They are alternating evenings with Sahara on for the second time tonight (Wed.29th June) I haven't seen Sahara yet but it looks like an Indiana Jonesey type of adventure flick. If anyone has seen it let me know what you thought. There's a kids flick on at about 5.30pm but can't remember what it is. Have a look at all the details are on there.
Is there anything interesting happening on the island this weekend for those of us that can't go to the G8?
Right, hope that was ok.
Posted on Sunny at 17:32
Pittenweem Arts Festival 2005
Posted: Wednesday, 29 June 2005 |

If you can't make Corrie Capers on Arran 7th-14th August because you're trapped on the East Coast then you might want to try Pittenweem Arts Festival in The East Neuk of Fife. Pittenweem is a picturesque fishing village about 10 miles south of St.Andrews with a bizzare number of art galleries and antique shops. From tomorrow till next Saturday every artist in the area is exhibiting, many open their homes to put on exhibitions so you get to nosy around while sipping wine & looking at a great range of art. The festival has been running for about 20 years and attracts over 20,000 visitors, not bad for a village the size of Brodick (pop. approx 1000). I'm off up for the opening. There's a torch light parade, boat burning, fireworks etc. Very similar to Corrie Capers Up-Hellia which is Saturday 13th August. Will post programme nearer the time. Hope to see you all there!
Posted on Sunny at 18:25