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Bernarda Fink

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Mezzo Bernarda Fink was born in Buenos Aires and received her vocal and musical education at the Instituto Superior de Arte del Teatro Colón.

Her repertoire ranges from ancient music to the 20th century and she was frequently invited to appear with leading symphony and baroque orchestras. Conductors she worked with include Daniel Barenboim, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Bernard Haitink, René Jacobs, Mariss Jansons, Sir Roger Norrington and Sir Simon Rattle. She had a close artistic co-operation with Nikolaus Harnoncourt, testified by numerous recordings.

She has appeared to widespread critical acclaim in the greatest opera houses of Europe. Highlights include Cecilio Lucio Silla at Theater an der Wien, Idamante Idomeneo at Teatro Real in Madrid and Irene Theodora at the Salzburg Festival.

Bernarda Fink is one of the most sought-after singers in concerts and recitals and regularly appears at the Wiener Musikverein and Konzerthaus, Schubertiade Schwarzenberg, Berlin Philharmonie, the Wigmore Hall, Edinburgh Festival and Carnegie and Alice Tully Hall in New York.

She regularly holds master classes at the Wiener Meisterkurse, the Young Singers’ Project in Salzburg and the Aldeburgh Festival. She was on the jury of the Wigmore Hall’s International Song Competition, the Bach Wettbewerb Leipzig, DAS LIED International Song Competition and the ARD Music Competition. In 2019 Bernarda taught at the Yale School of Music and Institute of Sacred Music for three months.

Bernarda has made numerous highly acclaimed recordings, many of which have received prizes such as the Diapason d’Or and the Grammy. Her discography ranges from Monteverdi and Rameau to Schubert, Bruckner and Schumann.

In 2006, Bernarda was awarded the Austrian Honorary Medal for Art and Science and in 2014 she received the title of Österreichische Kammersängerin.

Bernarda Fink

Y ddau reithgor

Ganed y mezzo Bernarda Fink yn Buenos Aires a chafodd ei haddysg leisiol a cherddorol yn yr Instituto Superior de Arte del Teatro Colón.

Mae ei repertoire yn amrywio o gerddoriaeth hynafol i’r 20fed ganrif ac mae’n ymddangos yn aml gyda cherddorfeydd symffoni a baróc blaenllaw. Ymysg yr arweinwyr y mae’n gweithio gyda nhw mae Daniel Barenboim, Riccardo Chailly, Syr John Eliot Gardiner, René Jacobs, Riccardo Muti, Syr Roger Norrington, Trevor Pinnock a Franz Welser-Möst. Bu cydweithrediad artistig agos rhyngddi a Nikolaus Harnoncourt, ac mae eu recordiadau niferus yn brawf o hynny.

Mae ymddangosiadau Bernarda yn nhai opera blaenllaw Ewrop wedi cael eu clodfori’n eang. Ymhlith ei huchafbwyntiau mae perfformio rhannau Cecilio Lucio Silla yn Theater an der Wien, Idamante Idomeneo yn y Teatro Real ym Madrid ac Irene Theodora yng Ng诺yl Salzburg. Mae hefyd wedi canu rhan Sesto La clemenza di Tito ac Idamante mewn fersiynau cyngerdd gyda René Jacobs.

Mae Bernarda yn ymddangos yn rheolaidd mewn datganiadau yn y Wiener Musikverein a’r Konzerthaus, Schubertiade Schwarzenberg, Berlin Philharmonie, G诺yl Caeredin, a Carnegie Hall ac Alice Tully Hall yn Efrog Newydd.

Mae hi’n cynnal dosbarthiadau meistr yn rheolaidd yn Wiener Meisterkurse, y Prosiect Cantorion Ifanc yn Salzburg a G诺yl Aldeburgh. Roedd hi ar reithgor Cystadleuaeth Ryngwladol y Gân yn Neuadd Wigmore, y Bach Wetbewerb Leipzig, Cystadleuaeth Ganu Ryngwladol DAS LIED a Chystadleuaeth Gerddoriaeth ARD. Yn 2019, bu Bernarda yn dysgu yn Ysgol Gerdd Yale ac yn yr Institute of Sacred Music am dri mis.

Mae Bernarda wedi bod yn gyfrifol am nifer o recordiadau uchel eu parch, ac mae llawer ohonynt wedi cael gwobrau Grammy neu'r Diapason d’Or. Mae ei recordiadau’n amrywio o Monteverdi a Rameau i Schubert, Bruckner a Schumann.

Yn 2006, dyfarnwyd Medal Anrhydedd Awstria am Gelfyddyd a Gwyddoniaeth i Bernarda. Ym mis Medi 2014 derbyniodd y teitl Österreichische Kammersängerin.