C猫icean Ceapaire Almoin
150gr siùcar pùdair
75gr flùr plein
105gr almoin pronn
Rùsg 1 liomaid
¾ spàin-tì pùdar fuine
1 spàin-tì brìgh bhanilla
90gr ìm leaghta
2 gealag uighe

1.5 tuba càise mascarpone
Pùdar sùbhaige
Teasaich na h-àmhainne gu 200C (àmhainn-gaoithe).
Cuir an t-siùcar pùdair is am flùr tro shìoltachan ann am bobhla mòr. Cuir ris na h-almoin, an rùsg, am pùdar fuine is am brìgh bhanilla. Cuir seo uile mun cuairt is dèan toll sa mheadhan. Dòirt dhan toll an t-ìm is na gealagain. Buail gu math.
Cuir làn spàin ma seach dhen mheasgachadh air treadha le pàipear-fuine, a’ fàgail beàrn eatorra leis gun sgaoil iad fhad ‘s a tha iad a bruich. Tha còir gum bith gu leòr a seo a nì 14 cèic.
Tionndaidh na àmhainne sìos gu 180C cho luath ‘s a tha thu air na cèicean a’ chur a-staigh. Bruich fad 10 gu 15 mionaid.
Uair ‘s gu bheil na cèicean buileach fuar cuir deagh sgaoileadh de chàise mascarpone ann am meadhan aon chèic is trì neo ceithir sùbhagan mun cuairt an oir, mus cuir thu cèic eile air muin sin, coltach ri ceapaire. Nì seo 7 ceapairean cèice.
Son an sgeadachadh crath siùcar pùdair orra. Le inneal rèidh crath an darna leth dhe gach cèic le pùdar shubhagan cuideachd.
150g icing sugar
75g plain flour
105g ground almonds
Zest of 1 lemon
¾ tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
90g melted butter
2 egg whites
1.5 tubs of mascarpone
Fresh raspberries
2 tbsp raspberry powder
Preheat the oven to 200C fan.
Sift the icing sugar and plain flour into a large bowl. Add the almonds, lemon zest, baking powder and vanilla. Mix thoroughly and make a well in the centre. Pour in the melted butter and egg whites. Mix thoroughly again.
Drop a spoonful of the mixture onto a lined baking tray leaving a gap between each as it will spread out in the oven.
This should make enough for 14 cakes.
Turn down the oven to 180C as soon as you put the cakes in. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes.
When the cakes are completely cool spread a generous spoonful of mascarpone in the middle of a cake and add 3-4 raspberries round the edge then top with another cake, like a sandwich. This should make 7 cake sandwiches.
Sift icing sugar over the cakes. Then taking a flat edge dust one half of each cake with the raspberry powder.