C猫ic Mil agus Uisge-beatha
6 unns ìm
6 unns siùcar bog ruadh
3 uighean
6 unns flùr-èirigh
Rùsg oraindsear
4 spàinean mòra uisge beatha
6 unns siùcar-còmhdaich
2 unns ìm
2 spàin mhòr mil
Sùgh oraindsear
Sliseagan almoin son sgeadachadh

Teasaich àmhainn-gaoithe gu 200C.
Buail ri chèile gu math an t-ìm ‘s an t-siùcar.
Cuir ris na h-uighean, fear ma seach, ga bhualadh mar a thèid thu air adhart. Crath ann cuideachd spàin dhen fhlùr mus cuir thu ann an t-ugh mu dheireadh. Buail gus am bith e aotrom is bàn.
Measgaich a-staigh an rùsg oraindsear agus cuideachd am flùr (tro shìoltachan).
Dòirt ann an t-uisge beatha agus cuir mun cuairt.
Roghainnich seo eadar tionaichean cruinn a th’air an suathadh le ìm is le pàipear bèiceireachd orra. Dèan còmhnard na mullaich.
Bruich fad 20-25 mionaid.
Leig le na cèicean fàs fuar air racais.
Son còmhdach a chèic buail ri chèile am t-ìm, am mil agus spàin mhòr sùgh oraindsear.
Dèan ceapaire dhe na cèicean le beagan dhen chòmhdach eatarra is air am muin. Mu dheireadh sgeadaich am mullach le na h-almoin.
6 oz butter
6 oz soft brown sugar
3 eggs
6 oz self-raising flour
Grated rind of small orange
4 tbsp whisky
6 oz icing sugar
2 oz butter
2 tbsp honey
Juice of small orange
Flaked almonds to decorate
Set oven to 200C (fan).
Cream butter and sugar in bowl.
Beat in the eggs one at a time until the mixture is pale and fluffy. Add a spoonful of the flour before adding the final egg.
Add orange rind, sift in the flour and mix thoroughly.
Add the whisky and mix.
Divide the mixture equally between two lined and greased sandwich tins and smooth the tops.
Bake for 20-25 mins. Turn out on to a wire rack to cool.
To make icing put the icing sugar into a mixing bowl. Add the butter, honey and 1 tablespoon of the orange juice. Beat the mixture gradually until thick and combined.
Sandwich the cakes together with half of the buttercream and smooth the remainder over the top of the cake and decorate with toasted flaked almonds.