Marag The貌claid
25g min-choirce
100g teòclaid dhorcha
2 spàin mhòr siorap
70g ìm
100g aran-milis
2 spàin mhòr còco
30g sliseagan almoin
100g measan tioram measgaichte
2 spàin mhòr liciùr uisge-bheatha
Craiteachan salainn

Fraighig na mine-coirce ann an cnap mòr ime son beagan mhionaidean.
Ann am bobhla os cionn pana le uisge goileach leagh an teòclaid, an t-siorap is an t-ìm còmhla.
Cuir na measan tioram am bogadh san liciùr uisge-bheatha.
Ann am bobhla mòr brist an t-aran-milis ann am pìosan beaga le làimh. Cuir ris am bobhla, a mhin-choirce, an còco, na h-almoin, na measan tioram agus craiteachan salainn. Cuir mun cuairt.
Dòirt ann na tha leaghte agus cuir mun cuairt gu math. Dòirt a-mach air muin pìos cling film agus roilig ann an cumadh isbein e, a’ cur car dhen cling film aig gach ceann.
Tha seo a dol ann am fuaradair fad 30 mionaid.
Bheir a-mach is roilig na maraige le làimh, mar gum biodh tu a’ cleachdadh crann-fuine, son a dèanamh cho cruinn ‘s as urrainn. Cuir air ais a-staigh dhan fhuaradair i.
Dèan seo uile aon turas eile mus fhàg thu fad co-dhiù 5 uairean a thìde a mharag, neo fad na h-oidhche.
25g oatmeal
100g dark chocolate
2 tbsp golden syrup
70g butter
100g shortbread
2 tbsp cocoa powder
30g flaked almonds
2 tbsp whisky liqueur
100g of mixed dried fruit
Sprinkle of sea salt
Fry the oatmeal in a generous knob of butter for a few minutes.
Melt the chocolate, golden syrup and butter in a bowl on top of a pan of boiling water till melted and combined.
Soak the dried fruit in the whisky liqueur.
Crumble the shortbread with your hands into a large bowl then add the cocoa, the almonds, dried fruit and a sprinkle of sea salt.
Pour in the melted ingredients and mix well before turning out onto a piece of cling film and forming into a sausage shape, twisting the cling film at both ends.
Place in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Remove from the fridge and roll like a rolling pin to form a perfectly round oblong shape.
Repeat the last step one more time before returning to the fridge for 6 hours or overnight.