150g flùr plein
½ spàin-tì sòda arain
½ spàin-tì pùdar bèiceireachd
25g siùcar mìn
Craiteachan caineal
Craiteachan salainn
1 buidheagan
2 spàin mhòr branndaidh
2 spàin mhòr fìon geal
30g ìm leaghte
Rùsg ½ teile

Cumaidhean Cannoli
Ola son fraighigeadh
450g mascarpone
70g siùcar-pùdair (tro shìoltachan)
1 spàin-tì brìgh bhanilla
Rùsg is sùgh 2 teile
Craiteachan salainn
50g cnòthan pistachio geàrrte
50g teòclaid gheal leaghte
Cuir mun cuairt an toiseach na rudan tioram – flùr, sòda arain, pùdar bèiceireachd, siùcar, caineal is salann.
Cuir ris na rudan fliuch – buidheagan, branndaidh, fìon geal, ìm is an rùsg teile. Measgaich gu math.
Le làimh obraich gus an tig i ri chèile ann am ball taoise. Cuir cling film oirre is fàg an dàrna taobh i fad 30 mionaid.
Rolaig a-mach na taoise cho tana ‘s a ghabhas is gèarr ann an cumaidhean cearcaill i. Tha còir gun dèan seo mu dheich cannoli ach tha seo a rèir cho mòr ‘s a tha do ghearradair is cho mòr ‘s a tha thu gan iarraidh.
Cuir beagan ola air cumaidhean meatailt airson cannoli. Paisg na cearcaill taoise timcheall gach cumadh meatailt is cleachd beagan gealagan uighe son nan oirean a steigeil ri chèile, gam bruthadh sìos gu math feuch an coinnich nan oirean.
Fraighig dhà neo trì ma seach ann an ola theth aig 180C gus a bheil dath breagha òr-ruadh orra. Leig leotha fuarachadh.
Buail an stuth son an lìonaidh còmhla is cuir seo dhan fhuaradair.
Nuair a tha na cannoli gu tur fuar bogaich cinn gach cannoli ann an teòclaid gheal leaghte is leig leotha fàs cruaidh.
Cuir an lìonadh ann am poca-bèiceireachd le pìoban is lìon gach cannoli.
Bogaich gach ceann ann am beagan chnòthan pistachio air an gearradh beag bìodach.
Mu dheireadh sgeadaich le dustadh de shiùcar-pùdair.
150g plain flour
½ tsp each bicarbonate of soda and baking powder
25g caster sugar
A pinch of ground cinnamon
A pinch of salt
1 egg yolk
2 tbsp white wine
2 tbsp brandy
30g butter, melted
½ lime, zested
Cannoli moulds
Oil for deep frying
450g mascarpone
70g icing sugar sifted
1 tsp vanilla extract
Zest and juice of 2 limes
pinch of salt
50g pistachios chopped
50g white chocolate
Mix together the dry ingredients – flour, baking powder, bicarb, sugar, cinnamon and a pinch of salt in a bowl.
Add the wet ingredients - egg yolk, wine, brandy, melted butter, lime zest. Mix with a spoon.
Bring together to form a dough, then using your hands knead until smooth. Wrap in cling film and leave to rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Roll out the dough as thinly as possible and cut into rounds. This should make about 10 but this will depend on the size of your cutter and how large or small you want the cannoli.
Lightly brush the cannoli rounds with oil. Wrap the circles of dough round around a cannoli mould and use some of the egg white to stick the two edges together, pressing lightly.
Heat some oil to 180C and deep-fry the cannoli still in their moulds, in small batches of two to three until they’re golden brown. Leave to cool.
Beat together the ingredients for the filling and chill in the fridge.
When completely cool dip the ends of each cannoli in melted white chocolate and leave to set.
Put the filling into a piping bag, then fill each cannoli shell with the mixture.
Finally dip each end in chopped pistachios and dust everything with icing sugar.