Galette le Glasraich is C脿ise Gobhair
110g ìm gun salann, reòta
200g flùr plein
Craiteachan salann

2 copan duilleagan basail
½ gu 1 copan ola-chroinn-ola
Craiteachan salann is piobar
½ courgette
2 tomàto
Lus an Rìgh
1 spàin-tì fìon-geur fìon dearg
2 pacaid càise gobhair bog (mu 5 spàinean mòra)
Rùsg 1 liomaid
1 cearcall càise gobhair
Craiteachan cnòthan giuthais
Bleith leth dhen ìm a-staigh dhan fhlùr agus cuir mun cuairt le sgian gu luath. Bleith ann an còrr dhen ìm, craiteachan salainn agus dòirt ann mu chòig spàinean mòra uisge fuar. Thoir an taois ri chèile, an toiseach leis an sgian, gus am fàs i steigeach is an uair sin le làimh gus an tig i ri chèile ann an cumadh buill. Cuir cling film oirre is cuir dhan fhuaradair i.
Cuir am basail am bogadh ann uisge goileach fad ½ mionaid. Cuir an uair sin ann an uisge glè fhuar e. Brùth a-mach a h-uile boinne uisge agus cuir seo ann an inneal-measgachaidh leis an ola, salann is piobar. Measgaich fad 2-3 mionaidean agus cuir tro shìoltachan.
Geàrr an courgette ann an slisean 1cm is crath beagan salainn orra. Geàrr na tomàtothan mun aon mheud, crath salann orra, duilleagan lus an rìgh is dòirt am fìon-geur air am muin. Fàg an dà chuid am bogadh fad 10 mionaidean.
Rolaig na taoise na cearcall eadar dà dhuilleag pàipear-fuine gu meud 9 gu 12 òirlich neo gu tighead bonn not.
Cuir an càise gobhair bog am measg an rùsg liomaid agus cuir seo air uachdar na taoise, a’ fàgail beàrn mu 2 òirleach mun oir. Tiormaich nan glasraich is cuir air muin a chàise iad gu grinn.
Geàrr an cearcall càise gobhair ann an dà leth agus cuir seo air muin nan glasraich.
Paisg a-staigh nan oirean air muin an lìonaidh agus suathaich na taoise le beagan uighe air a bhualadh.
Bruich aig 170C ann an àmhainn-gaoithe fad 30 mionaid.
Leig leis fuarachadh.
Smugraich dhen ola, cnòthan giuthais air an ròstadh agus duilleag neo dhà bharrachd basail son a sgeadachadh.
110g unsalted butter, frozen
200g plain flour
Sprinkling of sea salt
2 cups fresh basil leaves
½ to 1 cup of olive oil
Pinch of salt and pepper
½ courgette
2 tomatoes
Fresh thyme
1 tsp red wine vinegar
2 packets or roughly 5 tbsp soft goats’ cheese
1 small lemon, zested
1 wheel of goats’ cheese
pine nuts, toasted
Grate half the butter into the flour and mix with a knife. Add the salt and then grate in the rest of the butter. Roughly mix everything again, add about 5 tbsp cold water and mix swiftly with the knife to combine. Use your hands to bring it together into a ball of dough and knead briefly. Wrap in cling film and chill in the fridge.
Blanch the basil in boiling water for 30 seconds then plunge into ice water. Squeeze out as much of the liquid as possible and put into a blender with the olive oil, salt and pepper. Blend until incredibly smooth, this takes me about 2-3 minutes, then strain.
Slice the courgettes into 1cm slices and toss with a pinch of salt. Slice the tomatoes to the same width as the courgettes and sprinkle with some thyme, salt and the vinegar. Leave both to marinate for 10 minutes.
Roll the pastry out between two pieces of baking parchment to a circle roughly 9-12 inches.
Mix the soft goats’ cheese with the lemon zest. Spread the mixture over the pastry, leaving a 2 inch border. Dry the vegetables to remove any excess liquid then arrange over the top.
Cut the wheel of goats’ cheese in half and place on top of the vegetables then carefully begin to fold the edges of the pastry back in all around the edge. Brush the edges of the pastry with beaten egg.
Bake at 170°C fan for 30 mins.
Leave to cool and finish with fresh basil leaves, a drizzle of the basil oil and roasted pine nuts.