~ Aroma by Candle Light ~
Posted: Friday, 12 September 2008 |
As the curtain and doors
Now closed in your room
Escape to the seclusion
Here within your book.
Fire now lit
To keep out the cold
Curled up on a sofa
Now you lay
Book in hand
And here you stay.
Candles flicker
Throughout the room
Shapes of many in size
As if dancing in unison
They are at your command.
And so the aroma
From a warm
Candle lit base
Wafts throughout the room
Is it the aroma
Which makes you weep?
Or that of the book
You now read?
Think not of outdoors
Not of the moonlit night
As it shines your house so bright
And yet a short while earlier
The sky was of wind and rain
Such is the power
Of a moonlit night.
Think not of the dog
Outstretched in front of the fire
Nor that of the cat
For he, no doubt
Will be curled up
Asleep on your bed.
Think only of the book
Before you now
And of the novel
You now read
As it captivates
Your mind.
The aroma of the candles
Eager to search a place
If only the door was open
Aroma drift by stealth
A scent of beauty
Will linger from
Room to room.
As eyes feel so tired
Your bed awaits
Where for some
Dreams are made
And so to sleep
You shall be.
Think not of the fire
Which once warmed
This cosy room
For its flickering heat
Will soon be dead.
And yet the aroma
Shall linger a wee
While longer
island poet - Copyright 2008
Posted on Island Poet at 19:19
Words fail me--this is just beautiful!
carol from over here
Thank you Carol, I am deeply honoured of your comments.
island poet from Mull
IP-you are so good --you seem to know my thoughts!!-you put words to paper-i'm useless-but you put my thoughts to print-thanks
carol from over here-for the time being
From over here 2.I would like to hear more from you.
Fiona from Los angeles, california
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