Posted: Wednesday, 06 February 2008 |
Can someone tell me how to put bleeding photo's on this flipping thing?!
I have followed all the instuctions but as soon as I press upload it doesn't do anything!!!! Getting very frustrated by it all now!!!!
Any advice gratefully received :)
Posted on Island Life at 19:06
Some photos as requested
Posted: Wednesday, 06 February 2008 |
Especially for Squidgy (and anyone else who'd like a look!)
Really hope it works!!!!!

It was such a lovely day today couldn't resist bundling the family into the car and go for a spin. Glad we did cos I think we got some cracking photo's :)
Really hope it works!!!!!

It was such a lovely day today couldn't resist bundling the family into the car and go for a spin. Glad we did cos I think we got some cracking photo's :)
Posted on Island Life at 21:25
Aint kids great?!
Posted: Monday, 11 February 2008 |
There's nothing like it when your having one of these days for either one of your kids just to come up and give you a hug for no reason - or for the mutt to come and give you a nudge! It kinda makes you remember just whats important in life.
Through the bleakest of days its thanks to muttley that I even ventured out of bed!! He'd come and look at me with these puppy dog eyes that he's never lost as if to say 'come on mum I need you!'
Now I have the kids that also give me that extra motivation on the bad days. Cos one thing I don't want to happen is for any of this 'messed up head at times' syndrome rubbing off on my kids. Why should they suffer just cos my wiring goes haywire every now and again? So between the kids, mutt and hubby (in no particular order!!!!) there's plenty to keep me motivated, even when there always seems to be someone determined to stick the knife in. Some people just can't seem to agree to disagree and let things lie. But thats their problem certainly not mine :)
Its been such cracking weather the last wee while - long may it last. Poor mutts joints are suffering with the cold though but I guess old age doesn't come alone. Its been great being able to play out with the kids, we've even ventured along a beach - my wee girl found some sinky sand though and man that freaked her out!! All was well though. Its certainly helps run some of the excess energy off them that they just seem to exude.
We've still got some teething going on which just seems to be taking forever! And we've developed quite a fussy eater which is a nightmare!!! The joys of parenting!! I'm told this stage passes when their about 21.......eek!!!!!
Through the bleakest of days its thanks to muttley that I even ventured out of bed!! He'd come and look at me with these puppy dog eyes that he's never lost as if to say 'come on mum I need you!'
Now I have the kids that also give me that extra motivation on the bad days. Cos one thing I don't want to happen is for any of this 'messed up head at times' syndrome rubbing off on my kids. Why should they suffer just cos my wiring goes haywire every now and again? So between the kids, mutt and hubby (in no particular order!!!!) there's plenty to keep me motivated, even when there always seems to be someone determined to stick the knife in. Some people just can't seem to agree to disagree and let things lie. But thats their problem certainly not mine :)
Its been such cracking weather the last wee while - long may it last. Poor mutts joints are suffering with the cold though but I guess old age doesn't come alone. Its been great being able to play out with the kids, we've even ventured along a beach - my wee girl found some sinky sand though and man that freaked her out!! All was well though. Its certainly helps run some of the excess energy off them that they just seem to exude.
We've still got some teething going on which just seems to be taking forever! And we've developed quite a fussy eater which is a nightmare!!! The joys of parenting!! I'm told this stage passes when their about 21.......eek!!!!!
Posted on Island Life at 23:53