More fairm photos - a lovely February morning!
Posted: Friday, 23 February 2007 |
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What a lovely place I now call home! I've never had such a plesant winter in my entire life! Ok, maybe I had a few plesant winters in the Middle East with the temperatures hovering around 80F but far as NORTHERN places go Orkney totally rocks when it comes to winter time!!!! What a lovely day it is today. I really enjoy strolling around peeking at the burn (I always hoped I'd live next to a brook!!) and saying howdy to the kye/sheep and looking at the view from the top of the silage pit. And of course let's not forget my obsessive visits to the Snow Drops and my "flower tours" around the steading. **Sigh** I love it here. I'm so glad I ended up here on this windy green rainy isle.
The wooly Ladies after being fed their breakfast of silage.
One-eyed King Tut. I couldn't figure out why he was perched on the feed fence and staring at me with only one eye. It turned out that he had silage in his eye and amazingly he let me pick it out! He's always been an easy-going cat.
I would not
dare pick silage out of THIS kitty's eyeball! I'd end up in intensive care at Balfour Hospital. Look at that expression on her face!! This is one of our new barn pusses that we adopted from the Orkney Cats Protection at Christmas time. They are all settling in very well. Two of them are very wild so I hardly see them - but this puss and her black-and-white brother allow me to see them now and again. I am a good cat slave!
Here is Erlend (my handsome farmer!!) ready to feed more kye their breakfast. He is a good coo slave!! He's parked in the silage pit. I love the view from the top of the silage pit - I can see for miles in all directions! There's something to be said for the lack of trees!!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 09:56
I have just decided to become a vegan now.
Dodgy Dave from Thewhitesettlers hoose
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