New Hobbies !! Joining the Orcadians in the artsy crafty stuff...
Posted: Tuesday, 09 January 2007 |

Back in America I had a little blue Toyota car - I loved it! Imagine my delight with my handsome husband gave me a Toyota quilting sewing machine!! (I had no idea Toyota made sewing machines...but hey, good on them!!)

The beginning of my long stitch project: poppies in a bowl. It turns out that long stitch is SUPER easy - you just make, um, long stitches.
Orkney winters get FAR more daylight then we ever did in Alaska and I am greatful for that!! I've noticed that, like Alaskans, Orcadians are very crafty people. They sew and work at needle arts and engage in all manner of artsy crafty things! Being indoors so much because of the wind and rain has given me the chance to join in (when in Rome...) and take up some new hobbies! Erlend bought me a quilting sewing machine for Christmas because I decided to try my hand at the art myself! And I have also taken up long stitch - which has turned out to be the PERFECT way to spend time warming up by the fire.
If you have
ever wanted to take up a hobby I say GO FOR IT !! We only live once, ya know. I think we humans have a tendancy to totally defeat ourselves before we even begin because we believe that we "can't" do something. Well, I said
I can't I can't I can't for years. Then, after realizing I was wasting my life I got my rear end in gear and ended up on stage singing opera!!! It's amazing what we can do when we believe in ourselves and we are willing to spend a lot of time making mistakes as we
learn. After all, everyone is a beginner at some point in their lives - even the professionals!!!
Do what I have learned to do: start with something
small and simple and pick away at it for a few minutes a day until you build up your confidence! Remember, even professionals burn out.
Don't do too much for too long or you'll get sick and tired of it. I've abandoned far too many hobbies and projects because I threw myself into it and burned out.
Let's face it:
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 21:39
I've been burnt out for years, and there is the odd occasional glimmer of light. I'm still looking for something that I'm good at. Talking rubbish doesn't count, neither does getting drunk. Don't try just do, is a lovely slogan.
thewhitesettler from On The Back Burner
You could always take up tap dancing!
Michellechoza from being blasted by the wind
Oh won't I keep falling in the sink/basin/bath if I tried to tap dance?
Is that the answer you were looking for?
TWS from indoors out of the wind
No, no. If I meant that I'd tell you to take up spigot jigging.
Michellechoza from in the hoose
spigot - a small peg or plug: a device for cotrolling the flow of liquor from a cask etc. What do you mean about spigot jigging Michellechoza? Please type slow so that I can understand, a bit thick at times, me not you that is.
Tws from lookinginthedictionary
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