Midnight sun
Posted: Tuesday, 22 May 2007 |
Just type 'blackout curtains' in Google - or you could wear a blindfold.
Annie B from the usual
no i don't,but why don't you make shutters?, keeps the light out and keeps the place warm in winter!!
carol from in the dark
If you want cheap try the Thrift Shops in Balivanich or Daliburgh. Or sew two pairs of curtains together - it works for my kids - i can kid on to the little darlings that its bedtime.
UpSouth1 from Know how you feel
Parental units have a blackout blind (it's white) behind the curtains in the marital boudoir. It's more versatile than curtains as you can leave a small horizontal gap at the bottom to avoid a total sleep-in. Unfortunately it was got from one of the local suppliers on Orkney and we don't know of online sources. Try John Lewis Partnership.....you never know...
Flying Cat from trying to look knowledgeable
How about getting some of those blinker eyepad things, smaller and cheaper than curtains. Otherwise www.emporium-allanjohn.co.uk sell black-out curtains for kitchens, living-rooms. hallways and toilets.
Mark from Dazzling Lewis
Ok, this might be a bit controversial, but how about just closing your eyes, that works for me, oh and 3 sleeping pills, and other things.
Tws from Lewis
Might be cheaper to brick in the windows. Judging by what some blogger paid on ebay a year or so ago, curtains fit for the islands are the price of gold.
mjc from NM,USA
I wonder what happened to Roeberry.......
Flying Cat from remembering ebay curtains
Try 鈥渢he Great Little Trading Co鈥 Blackout curtains galore in there! I used to have a blind up as well as curtains 鈥 but then I used to sleep in all the time as I never noticed it getting light! Oops鈥.
Peatbogfaerie from Westside_Lewis
Lofty Peak flour bags are the things lined with a cement bag. Absolutely impenetrable as far as light is concerned and with good insulation properties
calumannabel from Lewis
Surely, Peat., you meant that you had the blinds DOWN? # Calum., filling the gunny sacks with peat would probably be more eco friendly and lighter than cement. Then, there would be that unmistakable natural peaty fragrance (beats "new car" or "talcum powder" fragrance, I should think).
mjc from NM,USA
I don't know ,but i think it means to keep the light away so there would be complete darkness around.
R from Noyb