Finding Outer Hebrides information online
Posted: Wednesday, 08 November 2006 |
Thanks for that. Very useful. The first thing I found with it is that my neighbour has been writing unpleasant things about our village on the Internet. One for the local newsletter.
Angus MacDonald from Lewis
Great stuff, thanks. Unfortunately I am still no nearer to discovering the identity of the legendary "Arnish Lighthouse" blogger!
Mac the Knife from Stornoway
I've met the blogger otherwise known as "Arnish Lighthouse". Pleasant and reasonable chappie. Appears to be on an extroadinarily long holiday (2 years I think) here with no apparent means of support, so he may be a fugitive or bank robber for all I know. However, he was very startled at my surprise visit. Moaned about it for ages on his blog afterwards. A decent person to visit, though make sure you have a slot in his daily timetable first :-)
Digital Sands from Berneray
If Mr Lighthouse has no visible means of support, is it possible that (Drovers Lane forfend) he may, at any moment, fall down? Can nothing be done to prop him up before it's too late?
Flying Cat from under a worried monobrow