
From the Web Editor...
Within the next fortnight, we'll be launching a new competition for Today listeners. We've had photographs on the radio - with our hugely successful "Britain at 6am" series - and a musical review of John Cage's four and a half minute "Silence" composition, which many of you found preferable to our usual output. Now - cartoons. Of course. The UK's leading cartoonists will be offering their own takes on the Today
> programme via our website. The theme is simply "What Is Today?" - and you can submit your own thoughts on that topic too. It can be positive or negative, satirical or serious, and we won't restrict you to cartoons - though they'd be welcome. It could be a poem, or a short song: you decide what Today represents, what it means, what, in short, it's all about. And despite appearances, it's not ALL about Hutton. Honest. We'll then display the best of your efforts on the website.
Before then, take a look at what's already on the website:
Interview of the Week:
This week's is Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon.
Listen Again:
If you want to listen again to something you heard yesterday or earlier in the year then visit .