Sunrise in Harris
Posted: Wednesday, 12 March 2008 |
I WANT ,I WANT, I WANT TO BE BACK I BONNIE SCOTLAND, ESPECIALLY NY THE SEA!!!!!! but there again ,i was always taught ""i wont never gets"!
carol from over here
Lovely atmospheric pics, IL. Squidgy has done a great job promoting Coll through her photos, Ruthodanort Unst, and OG Luing. Not seen many pics of Harris, however. Nice to see that changing. Keep them coming.
Duncan from Brum
Very beautiful and serene. Sunrises can be just as dramatic as the sunsets!!. Lovely. Thank you
Squidgy the Otter from Isle of Coll
oh isn;t that pink/lilac/biscuit/gray sunset just delicious ...?
soaplady from taking a long deep breath ...
We don't see enough sunrises in this modern life - photos such as these are the next best thing. But they lack the sounds, the smells and the coolth.
Barney from Swithiod seeing the light
I have always loved sunrises and I am glad that my work over the years, starting as a paper boy in the 60's, has given me the opportunity to witness some spectacular ones.
Hyper-Borean from Off-shift
That's what I love about the Scottish Islands in the winter. The beaches are beautiful, the sea is so clear. It's too Fffreezing to sunbathe or swim but you can enjoy the sunrise at mid morning on your way home from a good long night on the ran dan!
Amy Limehouse from Rehab? No, no, no.. ...Yes.
Yes, Harris is a rather beautiful place to live, especially Kendibig! So very lovely.....aaah. Hearachs for the win!!!!
Dell Computer from Harris