Travel travails
Posted: Sunday, 19 November 2006 |
Even taking the current weather into account, I am sure you will be well chilled after a day or so back on Skye. But don't let the bus service get away with providing such a grim service (running water included in the price !)...drop them a snotagram !
Dave from Worcester
At least you got our reckoning my in-laws are misplaced somewhere between Inverness and Harris, but then my father- in-law and directions don't necessarily co-exist in the same sentence!
jas from central belt
Are they nearly there yet???????
Flying Cat from the back seat
yes, they got home and on time ---turns out the male staff can't read a calendar! He was a week too early for his worryworting!
mia from looking at an atlas
hmmm... sounds bad - tho citilink busses rnt usually lik dat!
mupet 3 from struan
Sounds like you're one of those tourists who - if you ever come in a car - don't know the unspoken rule of the highland road: always give way to UPHILL traffic! Regarding your terrible traveling trauma: GET OVER IT!
Alistair from Skye
Alistair - I've been over it for a long time, and I'm well aware of giving way uphill! I was under the impression that the point of these blogs was to share experiences of island life - travelling long distances is certainly part of that. I don't think I'm being fussy when I want a bus that isn't leaking.
Stone and Sea from Broadford