Posted: Friday, 13 January 2006 |
Tha mi air a bhi tinn airson dha no tri laithean - 'se nadur do 'flu' a th'ann agus chan eil cail eile air a shon ach dram a ghabhail agus a dhol a laighe sios.
Had a kind of flu-like bug the last few days. Best cure is a large dram and go to bed for a while. It is doing the rounds - the first symtoms are pains in the insides, upset intestines, sore bones and joints then chest infection. The dram might not cure it but it gets rid of the symptoms for a while!
All the best to fellow islandbloggers - as they say in Gearraidh Mhurchaidh, 'Noli illegitimae carborundum.'
Mar sin leibh
Posted on Molinginish at 23:15
Hi a Mhurchaidh Mhoir - duilich a chluinntinn gu bheil thu tinn! Tha thu cho ceart ri ceart, chan eil cure ann mar uisge-beatha :) Tha mi 'n dochas gum bi thu a' faireachdainn nas fhearr a dh'aithghearr!
Magaidh from Skye/Virginia
Murchadh - we won't.
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
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