In the UK environmental impacts are controlled by legislation, particularly planning law. There are also voluntary standards that are in widespread use in the property and development industry to ensure good environmental practice during design, construction and use of buildings. High standards of environmental design can reduce costs of operating the building, for example, by minimising energy and water bills.
The 成人快手 requires its staff and suppliers to take all reasonable steps to design, construct, manage and use buildings and sets in accordance with these guidelines.
These Environmental Planning and Built Environment Guidelines establish minimum operating standards that must be applied at sites and cover the legal issues you must be aware of. If you have any queries relating to this Standard then you should contact the Safety Advice Line.
What Can Go Wrong?
General Hazards
Construction and use of buildings or sets owned or occupied by the 成人快手 can have a variety of environmental impacts, including:
- Land use - The type of land occupied by the building/set, such as sites previously used by industry (known as brownfield sites) or previously natural or farmed sites (known as greenfield sites).
- Biodiversity - Impacts on wildlife and measures to protect or enhance wildlife present on the site.
- Energy use - Use of limited natural resources, such as oil and gas, and the emission of pollutants to the environment, such as carbon dioxide.
- Materials - Use of limited natural resources and the use of substances that are hazardous to the environment.
- Water consumption - Use of limited natural resources and the potential to release pollutants into water.
- Transport to and from the building/set - Use of limited natural resources and the emission of pollutants into the environment, such as carbon dioxide.
Legal/成人快手 Requirements
- There are no specific legal requirements to draw to your attention; you must still apply the control measures that are relevant to your activity.
Control Measures
General Controls
- Include environmental criteria when obtaining land and property through rent, acquisition, or design and construction.
- Obtain planning permission for building works, including set construction and comply with conditions.
- Include environmental requirements in the management of land and property.
- Include environmental requirements in the use of buildings.
- Include environmental requirements in the disposal of land and property.
Division Specific Issues
- No division specific issues.
FAQs/Did You Know?
- No FAQs/Did you know items.
Recommended links
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Environment topics
Air Pollution
Air pollution can have damaging effects on human health and the environment and it is crucial to minimise emissions to the atmosphere. -
Built Environment
In the UK these impacts are controlled by legislation, particularly planning law. -
Energy Management
This guidance provides information on energy management associated with 成人快手 activities in order to ensure good environmental practice and compliance with relevant legislation. -
Environment on Production and Events
This guidance provides information on how to reduce the risk of environmental incidents, nuisance or legal non-compliance whilst making programmes and running events. -
Environmental Nuisance
Nuisance is something that causes an unwanted disturbance to someone's quality of life or something that can have a negative effect on their health. -
Heritage consists of buildings and features that are man-made and valuable for their architectural or historical interest. -
Land Contamination
Both former and current land uses can pollute land and water resources by releasing pollutants to the environment. -
Natural Environment and Wildlife
The natural environment contains habitats and species that are ecologically valuable and landscapes that are appreciated for their beauty and historical interest. -
Oil and Chemical Management
Oil and chemical management can occur from fixed and temporary generators, set building, special effects, cleaning and associated activities. -
Waste Management
This guidance provides information on how to manage wastes arising from 成人快手 activities in order to ensure good environmental practice and compliance with relevant legislation. -
Water and Waste Water Management
This guidance provides information on how to manage water and waste water arising from 成人快手 activities in order to ensure good environmental practice and compliance with relevant legislation.
More from SSR
Your platform to record accidents, risk assessments, assurance monitoring and inspections
Safety Equipment Stores
Just one number to call: 020 3614 5155 -
成人快手 Safety Guidelines
An A-Z of 成人快手's Health and Safety Guidelines -
Safety Advice Line: 0370 411 0464 Email:
Events guidance - key links:
- Exhibitions
- General Guidance
- Indoor Location Recce Checklist
- Outdoor Location Recce Checklist
- Major Incidents & Emergency Planning
- Marketing and Promotional
- Noise Exposure
- Planning and Management
- Responsibilities
- Responsibilities Form
- Laser Lighting Effects
- Strobe Lighting
- Temporary Stages and Rostra
Health topics - key links:
- (成人快手 network only)
- Contributors Fitness to Participate
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
- (成人快手 network only)
- First Aid and Welfare on Location
- International Travel - Risks & Health
- Manual Handling
- Mental Health: 成人快手page
- (成人快手 network only)
- Personal Health and Wellbeing
- Pregnancy
- Psychological Trauma Support & Trauma Risk Management (TRiM)
- Tiredness and Fatigue
- Travel Health Contacts
成人快手 High Risk - key links:
- CBRN and Industrial Spills
- Covert Filming
- Crisis Management and Security Support
- Demonstrations, Protests and Crowds
- Disaster Coverage
- Door Stepping
- (成人快手 network only)
- (成人快手 network only)
- Public Order
- Safety Equipment Stores
成人快手 Journalism - key links:
成人快手 Productions - key links:
- Aerial Filming and Airfields
- Animals: Displaying and handling for performance
- Boats: Working on
- Children and Young People
- Driving
- Electrical Equipment and Systems
- First Aid and Welfare on Location
- Food Safety (Cooking and Catering)
- Remote Location Working
- Roads and Streets: Working by
- Security of Productions on Location
- Stunts
- Tiredness and Fatigue
- Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS aka Drones)
- Vehicles: Recording in, from and around
- Working at Height: Mobile Elevating Work Platforms
- Working at Height: Tower Scaffolds
成人快手 Radio - key links:
- (成人快手 Network only)
成人快手 Security - key links:
成人快手 Sport - key links:
About this site
This site describes what the 成人快手 does in relation to managing its health, safety and security risks and is intended for those who work directly for the 成人快手.
It is not intended to provide instruction or guidance on how third parties should manage their risks. The 成人快手 cannot be held liable for how this information is interpreted or used by third parties, nor provide any assurance that adopting it would provide any measure of legal compliance. More information
Some links on this site are only accessible when connected to the 成人快手 network