P脿idh dearcan agus uaffalan
Uaffalan milis
Sùbhagan reòite
Teoclaid gheal
2 ugh
1 spàin-bhùird flùr plein
55g siùcar
300ml crème fraiche
300ml bàrr goirt
1 làn spàin-tì brìgh bhanilla
An toiseach, dèan an ughagan. Cuir na h-uighean, am flùr, agus an t-siùcar ann am bobhla. Buail ri chèile le inneal-measgachaidh.
Buail a-staigh an crème fraiche, am bàrr goirt agus am brìgh bhanilla.
Reub na uaffalan às a chèile agus sgaoil beagan aca air feadh soitheach mìlsean. An uair sin cuir beagan shùbhagan reòite air muin. Bris an teoclaid ann am pìosan agus sgaoil beagan dhe cuideachd air muin nan sùbhag. Tha cuideachd spàinean dhen ughagan a’ dol air.
Cum ort a’ dol leis a seo – a togail cruach le filltean de uaffalan, measan, teoclaid agus ughagan.
Leig leis a’ phaidh seasamh fad 15 mionaidean mus cuir thu dhan àmhainn i. Suathaidh mar sin an ughagan a-steach dha na uaffalan.
Bruich ann an àmhainn-gaoithe fad 30 mionaid aig teas 160C.
Waffle Berry Pie
Sweet waffles
Frozen raspberries
White Chocolate
2 eggs
1 tablespoon of flour
55g sugar
300ml crème fraiche
300ml soured cream
1 tsp vanilla essence
To make the custard, put the eggs, the flour, and the sugar in a bowl. Beat together with a hand-mixer.
Add the crème fraiche, soured cream and vanilla essence to the custard mixture and beat together.
To assemble the pudding tear up some of the waffles and scatter them into a baking dish. Scatter a layer of frozen raspberries and a layer of pieces of white chocolate on top of the waffles before spooning over some of the custard mixture. Keep going, layering the waffles with the fruit, then the chocolate and the custard mixture.
Leave to sit for 15 minutes before putting in the oven. This allows the custard mixture soak into waffles.
Bake it in a fan assisted oven for 30 minutes at 160C.