350g flùr làidir geal
Pacaid beirm (7g)
1 spàin-bhùird siùcar mìn
75ml uisge blàth
105ml bainne blàth
1 spàin tì salainn
2 spàin bùird ola-chroinn-ola
150 g mozzarella, air a ghearradh
150 g feta, air a bhriseadh an àrd
100g ricotta
5 uighean
Craiteachan piobar
Cuir am flùr ann am bobhla leis am beirm, an t-siùcar agus an t-salann agus cuir mun cuairt.
Ann an siuga, cuir ri chèile an t-uisge agus am bainne blàth. Dòirt seo dhan fhlùr leis an ola-chroinn-ola agus cuir mun cuairt le làimh.
Cuir dhan inneal-measgachaidh am bobhla, a’ fuine na taoise fad 10 mionaidean.
Ann am bobhla glan eile cuir rud beag ola, cuir an taois na bhroinn, cuir fiolm-còmhdachaidh air uachdar. Cuir ann an àite blàth fad uair a thìde neo gus am bi meudachd na taoise air dùblachadh.
Geàrr an taois ann an ceithir pìosan agus roilig gach pìos gu tana air clàr-fuine, air a bheil sadag mìn-fhlùir, ann an cumadh ugh.
Paisg na h-oirean a-steach colthach ri pizza ugh-chruthach. Brùth ri chèile an dà ghob is cuir car unnta.
Teasaich an àmhainn-gaoithe gu 200C. Teasaich 2 treidhe cuideachd san àmhainn.
Brist agus measgaich còmhla na diofair sheòrsaichean càise le aon ugh. Cuir ann craiteachan piobar cuideachd.
Cuir spàin neo dhà dhen chàise ann am meadhan gach pìos taoise. Suath oirean na taoise le ugh air a bhualadh.
Thoir na treidhichean a-mach às an àmhainn. Tog na taoisean leis am pàipear-bèicearachd is cuir air dhà na treidhichean.
Bruich ann an àmhainn-gaoithe fad 10 mionaidean aig teas 200C.
Tog an t-aran a-mach às an àmhainn ‘s dèan lag ‘s a’ chàise. Brist ugh agus cuir beagan dhen ghealagan an darna taobh. Cuir a chòrr dhen ugh anns an lag sa a’ chàise. Dèan seo le na taoisean eile.
Cuir air ais dhan àmhainn an t-aran fad 5 mionaidean eile.
Sgeadaich le cnap ime agus crathadh pearsail agus ith sa bhad!
350g strong white bread flour
7g sachet fast-action dried yeast
1 tablespoon caster sugar
75ml warm water
105ml warm milk
1 teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons of olive oil
150g mozzarella, chopped
150g feta, crumbled
100g ricotta
5 eggs
Sprinkling of pepper
Add the flour, the yeast, the sugar and the salt to a bowl. Mix everything together.
Combine the warm water and the milk and add with the olive oil to the bowl. Give everything a mix by hand and then knead in a mixer for 10 minutes.
Add a bit of oil to a bowl, sit the dough in the bowl and cover with clingfilm. Let the dough proof in a warm place for 1 hour or until it’s doubled in size.
Preheat the oven to 200C fan. Preheat the baking trays too.
Cut the dough into 4 pieces and roll out on a floured surface into an oval shape. Fold over the edges to creat a pizza-like crust. Press together at the two pointed ends and twist. Repeat this for all 4 pieces.
Tear apart the cheeses and mix together in a bowl with 1 egg and a sprinkling of pepper.
Spoon the cheese mixture into the centre of the bread, avoiding the edges. Brush egg wash on the sides and then lift the dough on the baking paper over on onto the preheated baking trays.
Bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 200C fan.
Take the bread out the oven and create a small hollow in the cheese. Break an egg and pour away a little of the egg white. Pour the rest of the egg into the hollow in the cheese. Repeat for the other 3 breads.
Place the khachapuri in the oven again for another 5 minutes.
Garnish with a knob butter and fresh parsley. Eat immediately.