Skill level


Equipment you will need for this technique

Cheesecloth, Jay cloth or a thin clean tea towel

Ping Coombes shows you how to cook perfect glutinous rice.

1. Wash the rice 2–3 times in cold running water and drain.

2. Soak the drained rice in hot boiling water for 20 minutes. Make sure there is enough water to cover the rice by about an inch.

3. Place a mesh strainer over a saucepan of boiling water. Place a cheesecloth in the strainer and add the rice. Make a dent in the middle of the rice to even out the thickness at the center. Fold the cheesecloth over the rice. Cover with a lid and steam over medium–high heat for 20 minutes.

4. Check the level of water from time to time so that it doesn’t boil dry.
