Things to do during the winter
Posted: Thursday, 25 September 2008 |
Sounds as though there is plenty to keep you busy wilma. Are you working through the alphabet for baby names?
Carol from IBHQ
So true Wilma, on a lovely day like today it really is hard to think of any disadvantages in living here.
Chaletboy from Rothesay
So true Wilma. On a lovely day like today it's very hard to think of any disadvantages in living here. Even on bad days there's a lot worse places to be than this.
Chaletboy from Rothesay.
Wow, sounds like you plenty of things to keep you busy--I admit I did wonder how you all survive the long winters. I will submit "Atticus" (from To Kill a Mockingbird) and wee himself's middle name.
thelovelyOutlander from how do you have time to blog?
what about "AILSA"
carol (the french connection) from here
I cannot understand why you would be so rude about the Women's Rural which is an institution and not one that should be mocked. Unfortunately the many people that sneer and refuse to join in with the varied activities that are available are likely to be going into a home much more quickly than the rest of us. As for your choice in names, I suppose they could be worse I suppose, being named after an island not that bad but as for the other name, what happens if the poor child is affected by a terrible lisp, I wouldnt have thought Alicia very suitable.
Fran Gostof from Rural
for late and i it was as great task---findin names for our kids that was good in english as in french!!--not so easy names that seemed good when written down as abreviations --nightmare-first son was to be called "william" but as our last name startswith "c" it would have been WC otherwise public loo's" food for fhought for future parents,no?
carol (the french connection) from still here
I thought most women under 40 were either rude about or indifferent to the SWRI. Someone here was in it for 5 years, enjoyed it a lot and made friends who are still around 10 years later. But that needn't stop one 'having a fun' at their expense every now and then...
Flying Cat from Silly Women Running Idle