its a bad day
Posted: Friday, 08 February 2008 |
'tis the kind of blog that gives IB the reputation of being either a morgue or a mortuary.
mjc from NM,USA
ooh the poor soul,
beans from over the water
I like the minimalism and the promise of more to be revealed. The short legs could be confused with shortlegs the sheep, but then...feathers not fur...
Flying Cat from all agog
Come now mjc, just because the blog is a bit abstruse, it doesn't have to me morbidly interpreted. I think we may have an interesting blog to look forward to ... perhaps with revealing photos.
Barney from Swithiod smiling and pondering
Right, Barney, Hope lives eternal. I am not sure about a bridge too far, though. I suspect that a bridge too far has as much to reveal as a slice of Ryvita [that should get the bird afluttering: if not, there is really no hope.]
mjc from NM,USA
Hello a bridge too far Welcome to the merry band of bloggers here on Island Blogging. If you have any queries or questions please do get in touch with me, either here or by email to
Carol from IBHQ
Ryvita, so far, has been the winner...
Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin