Boat day and all that
Posted: Wednesday, 17 May 2006 |
Boat day today. Stores arrived...sausages at last and three bottles of wine. Cloudy wet morning brightened up this afternoon. Took a walk to Tighard...Wild garlic going crazy, bluebells all over. And some red (or is it pink?) campion. Pier almost done, Sanday bridge looking good, too.
Posted on Cannablog at 22:41
Missed post!
Posted: Thursday, 18 May 2006 |
Despite the fact that the boat tied up at the pier for the afternoon yesterday, I still managed to forget to post my mail. Running out of binbags again, thanks to a litter-pick organised on the shore which looks nice and tidy now. Till the next big tide. Oh well. Baked potatos were great by the way! Hope they managed to finish the chick pea soup. Yum.
Posted on Cannablog at 18:33
Yakety yak kayak
Posted: Friday, 26 May 2006 |
Some nice weather here of late...Westerleys blowing and a bit nippy but still didny put off a paddle or two round the bay. Almost nipped into the Harbour View for a Pint but resisted the temptation. Evening entertainment...wrestling with several metres of fenceposts and a big box of bolts; no falls, no submissions and er, no instructions. Finally admit defeat when it gets dark; a rather precariously balanced arrangement of timber vaguely resembling a swing. Finished tonight but annoying pool of water still collects at the bottom of the slide. Small children find whole thing quite amusing.
Some photos of no particular relevance...

Posted on Cannablog at 00:20