busy busy
Posted: Wednesday, 15 October 2008 |
I've been busy and away, will post more when I have time mean while here is a photo from where I have been,
thanks for concern mjc

thanks for concern mjc
Posted on Island Threads at 22:05
IB v blogger
Posted: Friday, 17 October 2008 |
As I said I would, Friday I wrote a post saying why I was in Edinburgh, I got it finished and clicked publish in the early afternoon, I made a special effort to get it posted in time as I know ib closes down in the late afternoon Friday and doesn’t re open until Monday morning, when the post had not showed I logged in to see why (bearing in mind the post I put up Tuesday evening took nearly 24 hours to show), there was the big bright red notice saying Publish Failed……it could not be published because I was advertising, was I selling something......no was I advertising a multi dollar company……no was I advertising a private money making company…….no was I advertising a government owned organisation…..no was I advertising something on the right side of the tracks….no was I giving details to a textile art exhibition….yes was I giving details of a community lead project….yes was giving details of something on the wrong side of the tracks….yes
As it was late and I wanted the info to go out so anyone interested who was in the Edinburgh area could go, I deleted the offending post and wrote one saying I was transferring the post to my blogger blog and the info could be seen there but when I looked later Friday evening that had not been posted either, when I logged in there was the big bright red Publish Failed again this time it told me the problem was because I had included a poster……well I included a poster in too and it was fine, so please will the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ make up it’s mind what is and is not acceptable, I think the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ is being a snob, the poster that was allowed is for Painting Art and in a property owned by Historic Scotland whereas the poster that was not allowed is for Textile Art and in a Community lead project in a working class area of Edinburgh, IMHO projects like this should be supported by government own businesses like the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ not shunned,
I have posted details of at least 3 textile exhibitions on my blog all owned by private individuals and all charged for entry, these were allowed yet a free exhibition is banned, am I alone in seeing this as unfair, I have given details of ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ radio programmes with links to listen again and this has never been banned as advertising….which it is,
If you wish to read the banned blog post you can
This has been a last straw for me, I am fed up with posts not being published, disappearing after they were published and comments disappearing, so I will now be posting on my blogger blog, I started with blogger and then deleted the blog in May 2006, when I started blogging again I decided to go with the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ IB but I am tired of the fight to get a post published, I will visit to read blogs (I have several of my favs on bloglines) and I know most IBers only read IB blogs so will not follow me to blogger, my main reason for blogging is my textiles and there are many, many textile bloggers on blogger and wordpress, I’ve enjoyed IB for the people, I just think the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ has gone backwards with it’s blog technology, things were never this bad last year,
take care IT
As it was late and I wanted the info to go out so anyone interested who was in the Edinburgh area could go, I deleted the offending post and wrote one saying I was transferring the post to my blogger blog and the info could be seen there but when I looked later Friday evening that had not been posted either, when I logged in there was the big bright red Publish Failed again this time it told me the problem was because I had included a poster……well I included a poster in too and it was fine, so please will the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ make up it’s mind what is and is not acceptable, I think the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ is being a snob, the poster that was allowed is for Painting Art and in a property owned by Historic Scotland whereas the poster that was not allowed is for Textile Art and in a Community lead project in a working class area of Edinburgh, IMHO projects like this should be supported by government own businesses like the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ not shunned,
I have posted details of at least 3 textile exhibitions on my blog all owned by private individuals and all charged for entry, these were allowed yet a free exhibition is banned, am I alone in seeing this as unfair, I have given details of ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ radio programmes with links to listen again and this has never been banned as advertising….which it is,
If you wish to read the banned blog post you can
This has been a last straw for me, I am fed up with posts not being published, disappearing after they were published and comments disappearing, so I will now be posting on my blogger blog, I started with blogger and then deleted the blog in May 2006, when I started blogging again I decided to go with the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ IB but I am tired of the fight to get a post published, I will visit to read blogs (I have several of my favs on bloglines) and I know most IBers only read IB blogs so will not follow me to blogger, my main reason for blogging is my textiles and there are many, many textile bloggers on blogger and wordpress, I’ve enjoyed IB for the people, I just think the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ has gone backwards with it’s blog technology, things were never this bad last year,
take care IT
Posted on Island Threads at 14:57