Posted: Thursday, 05 April 2007 |
³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ radio 4 had a programme last Tuesday evening, 3rd April, about the last summer and this prompted the posting of my remaining 4 Journal quilts, also that five are about to be shown at the
There was a time line of events that led to this work being created, first I have always admired greatly Artists who make statements about life in their work and here I am not just referring to visual Artists but All Artists, I think most peoples first encounter with this type of Art is Music, pretty pictures, easy listening music, fun plays, light hearted novels, etc. all have their place as we all need to relax, let go, wind down, or we really would ‘go mad’ but injustices, hardship, censorship, etc. also need to be exposed, it makes us uncomfortable but never as uncomfortable as the lives of the people living with injustices, hardship, censorship, etc.
I have long wanted to create this type of Art but it is not easy to make your point clearly and loudly, as the journal quilt project is about an Artist pushing personal boundaries, with technique, subject, method, etc. I decided to completely change my subject which also meant trying new techniques and methods.
about her feelings with what was happening in and what she has witnessed when she had visited
Dijanne had given links to 2 blogs she is reading I became (and still am) interested in the quotes with links often posts, I followed many of the links and found myself reading , and most interesting as it is written by Israeli citizens, on AI influenced me a great deal.
News reports and interviews by the beeb.
These are 2 journal quilts from last summer with the statement I wrote at the time, the June journal can be seen next weekend (13-15 April) at , it is one of the five I sent into the Journal Quilt Project the other 4 are January, March, August and September, I will post photos with statements of August and September next week,
June 2006
Woman 6, this journal started with 2 images – reflecting, but then current affairs strongly influenced me and the journal changed, I feel like my art is running way ahead of me and I can’t catch up, so my reflecting women became 2 women each caring for their family but one has all modern aids to make her life easy by contrast the other woman has to make her life easy, on the contrary obstacles are constantly being created to make her life more .
July 2006
Woman 7, this journal continued the theme set by the June journal and is made in similar style and technique except I used acrylic paint for the June journal which kept drying too quickly, so I used water based printing ink for the July journal and there is a bit too much, still what I like about the mono print method for these is it looks like graffiti on a wall and is what it is all about, as the current controversy was about one soldier when the people of the soldier have of the other peoples citizens in prison, the striped fabric represents the bars of prison, .
2007 as the words do not show well here they are:
top left column: you have captured 1 of our soldiers
top right column: you have captured 750 of our citizens
bottom across the 2 columns: Democracy means Equal rights
on the centre panel: C20 Berlin C21 Palestine (on the work the C circles the number to represent Century)
There was a time line of events that led to this work being created, first I have always admired greatly Artists who make statements about life in their work and here I am not just referring to visual Artists but All Artists, I think most peoples first encounter with this type of Art is Music, pretty pictures, easy listening music, fun plays, light hearted novels, etc. all have their place as we all need to relax, let go, wind down, or we really would ‘go mad’ but injustices, hardship, censorship, etc. also need to be exposed, it makes us uncomfortable but never as uncomfortable as the lives of the people living with injustices, hardship, censorship, etc.
I have long wanted to create this type of Art but it is not easy to make your point clearly and loudly, as the journal quilt project is about an Artist pushing personal boundaries, with technique, subject, method, etc. I decided to completely change my subject which also meant trying new techniques and methods.
about her feelings with what was happening in and what she has witnessed when she had visited
Dijanne had given links to 2 blogs she is reading I became (and still am) interested in the quotes with links often posts, I followed many of the links and found myself reading , and most interesting as it is written by Israeli citizens, on AI influenced me a great deal.
News reports and interviews by the beeb.
These are 2 journal quilts from last summer with the statement I wrote at the time, the June journal can be seen next weekend (13-15 April) at , it is one of the five I sent into the Journal Quilt Project the other 4 are January, March, August and September, I will post photos with statements of August and September next week,
June 2006
Woman 6, this journal started with 2 images – reflecting, but then current affairs strongly influenced me and the journal changed, I feel like my art is running way ahead of me and I can’t catch up, so my reflecting women became 2 women each caring for their family but one has all modern aids to make her life easy by contrast the other woman has to make her life easy, on the contrary obstacles are constantly being created to make her life more .

July 2006
Woman 7, this journal continued the theme set by the June journal and is made in similar style and technique except I used acrylic paint for the June journal which kept drying too quickly, so I used water based printing ink for the July journal and there is a bit too much, still what I like about the mono print method for these is it looks like graffiti on a wall and is what it is all about, as the current controversy was about one soldier when the people of the soldier have of the other peoples citizens in prison, the striped fabric represents the bars of prison, .

2007 as the words do not show well here they are:
top left column: you have captured 1 of our soldiers
top right column: you have captured 750 of our citizens
bottom across the 2 columns: Democracy means Equal rights
on the centre panel: C20 Berlin C21 Palestine (on the work the C circles the number to represent Century)
Posted on Island Threads at 13:35