Oh what a beautiful morning
Posted: Wednesday, 21 February 2007 |
getoffthe has been out the back sun-bathing all day, I still have to keep an eye on her, just in case there is any boy doggies looking for something that they'll never get, not from my little Getoffthe.
Tws from Sunny Lewis
Makes the picture of the cow on the Northern Isles road look like total gridlock.
calumannabel from Dell
Is this the road to Fank '07? I see no sign posts nor any festive buntings. Must I rely on dead reckoning? Have pity on the directionally challenged.
Tired Father from Sebastopol Orienteering Shack
Well done for walking up Dell Brae. It doesn't half make the calves ache. (Perhaps that's why there were no cows on the road?)
Annie B from the usual
One of the things I love about Ness is that the sheep and cows are behind fences, so I can enjoy the view when I go for a walk and not spend all my time looking where I tread as I used to on Scalpay,
island threads from lewis
Tired Father, if you are travelling to Fank '07 from Stornoway and reach North Dell and Cross then you have passed the Fank so turn around, but I am sure you won't miss the crowds so fear not,
island threads from lewis
Annie I always tell myself if I walk there I can have chocolate with no guilt feelings but I was half way back when I realised I had forgot to buy any chocolate!!!!......too much blethering….
island threads from lewis
They are lovely photographs. But have taken away all the mystique.... It looks just like here. And I so wanted it to look like Somewhere Else.... The mystical Land Beyond The Fank.
Flying Cat from Fallen Scales
Picture 1: is that a bus shelter I spy? . Does the bus run once a week? No one in the shelter that I can see: no one anywhere, for that matter. And yet there are houses. Did the locals know you were coming through, old pal?!!
mjc from NM,USA