Posted: Tuesday, 16 May 2006 |
It's surely that time of the year when you owner's start to take holidays. Our Mam and Dad are away to Venice for a long weekend (you would think they had enought water around them here without needing to treck all the way over there), so me and Mags are away to somewhere called the Kennels in Gott. Apparently it's a place where dog's go on holiday when their owners are away, Mam say's she has been for a look and it's fine (she was a bit worried about leaving us in an unken place). She says we will love it cos we get to stay together in a double kennel and there are loads of other dogs we can play with when we get let out, and after all it is only 5 days, so roll on holidays.

Our weather is getting a lot better, me and Maggie can get out in the garden without getting covered in gutter, and we have even been to the beach again, we went in swimming this time, Maggie was a bit unsure but soon came around to the idea.
You can see from the photo that we had one really hot day which completely laid me by, I ended up having to go inside to lie down, and Maggie having dark fur was even worse cos the sun caught her more, but we are getting used to it.
Posted on A dogs life at 11:41
If Rolf Harris turns up make a run for it..
calumanimal from Battersea Cottage Barvas Lewis
Hello whoever you are in Burra---I lived in Shetland for some years---in Burra in the \cottage at Sclate and then in the Cotter's Cottage, at Papil andafter that in Scalloway.
I found this site by accident and I wo0nder who you are--you souind a bit like Jim Anderson or even Willy Johnson??? I have been told about the Shetland exhibit in the Chelsea Flower Show and am trying to find it on line as I did not see it. The person who told me it was the cottage from Burra brought down and then reassembled---I don't believe that but tell me about it if you can please so I can correct the daft Soothmothers.
My love to all in Shetland but most of all to all in Burra.
Nicky Hedges
Nicky Hedges from Basingstoke, Hampshire
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