Merry Christmas
Posted: Wednesday, 28 December 2005 |
Well, Christmas is actually over now, but thought I'd better fill you in on the festivities. But first of all an update on the dog bed/babygate situation, It's actually working quite well. Amazingly enough, Maggie is actually sleeping really well, and even later when we don't get up with the alarm clock. I guess that's because us dogs don't like to be alone, we're pack animals and like to have company, and I must admit it's not so bad having to share a bed with her (I even got to have my furry blanket off the end of Rob's bed in my dog bed).
So Christmas came and went, and we were pretty much stuck in the house. I got to go out last year as it was just me, but as Maggie is still a bit hyper, we had to stay in while Mam, Dad and Rob went out for supper, dinner, visiting (you know the way).

We did get lots of present's though, I got a hat and scarf set from Millie and Mak (cousin's in Whiteness), and as you can see me and Maggie look rather fetching. We got lot's of presents from Rob, I got toys and Maggie got chewy things, cos normally I don't like them, Mam and Dad get mad cos I tend to bury them in the garden then pretend I haven't (the white fur mixed with mud kind of gives it away!). This year I thought I would try a chewy thing, but I just can't get away from the burying thing, and I hid them all over the house, then of course, I had to stand guard over them (couldn't let Maggie get them back), so I spent the most of an afternoon behind the Christmas tree. I also got a proper leather football (they don't buy me the plastic one's as they rarely last more than 5 minutes) which I am still trying to get into.

We did get to go to the beach as we have been having lovely weather, every day is like springtime. This was Maggie's first time at the beach and she loved it, but was a bit unsure of the waves, I thought I'd be tough and show her what to do, so I went out to fetch a bit of wood, but it was pretty cold. We had to have shower's when we got home to warm us up.
So Merry Christmas to everyone and here's looking forward to Hogmanay, must remember to explain that one to Maggie!
Posted on A dogs life at 17:09
my dog is a christmas puppy and he is the cute little puppy i ever loeved in the wourld
kayleigh borton from tregynon hall school powys mid wales sy16 3pg
Happy Holidays to the wee beasties. They made my day. Terriers are the best!!( We own Airedales, Wire Foxes and Bedlingtons)Gotta get a Russell and a Border to round out the clan.
Charlene Stahl from U.S.A.
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