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Theo Llewellyn

Theo was stolen from Team Paloma at the Battles.

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Musical inspirations
Brian McKnight, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson

Get to know Theo

Hackney-born Theo is a singing supermarket-supervisor sensation! His passion for music is clear as he teaches singing and dance locally around Hackney, has a weekly DJ job, AND smashed his Blind Audition singing Aretha Franklin’s ‘Sweet Love’, which proved his musical talents have no end.

And if all these musical endeavours don’t keep him busy enough, we’re sure Paloma will!

Quick fire with Theo

What pop star’s poster would you hang on your wall right now? “Michael Jackson”

If you could have witnessed any music event in history what would it be? “Madonna’s drop at The Brits, LIVE!”

What song do you like to sing in the shower? “Kumbaya!”

You’re headlining Wembley! What would you have on your rider? “Lobster, ginger beer, honey and lemon tea.”

What famous person do people say you most resemble? “Ludacris”

What is the best prank you have ever pulled? “Gave my brother a game for christmas, but it was just the box… I’d already been playing the game!”

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