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Mia Sylvester

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Musical inspirations
Beyoncé, Michael Jackson, Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder

Get to know Mia

OK die-hard Voice fans, you might recognise our electrician-by-day Mia when for Series 4, which unfortunately just wasn’t meant to be at the time.

But THIS TIME… our bright spark who’s been singing since age six came back on full power and lit up the stage, and after her audition with Aretha Franklin’s ‘Ain’t No Way’, has landed a very desirable spot on #TeamRicky.

Mia's selfie

Quick fire with Mia

What pop star’s poster would you hang on your wall right now? “Skepta”

If you could have witnessed any music event in history what would it be? “Any Michael Jackson performance live.”

What song do you like to sing in the shower? “Human Nature by Michael Jackson”

You’re headlining Wembley! What would you have on your rider? “Watermelon, fluffy pyjamas and someone to make me laugh!”

What famous person do people say you most resemble? “Mila Kunis”

What is the best prank you have ever pulled? “Me and my best friend Mark took a broken video recorder and went into one of our neighbours houses. We lied and said we were making a documentary. We asked her loads of pointless questions, while she giggled and played with her hair - looking into the camera. We are bad people!”

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