Episode 8
Eorpa returns for a new series to bring you the most relevant and interesting stories from across Scotland and Europe.
Tha Anndra MacFhionghain a’ toirt thugaibh taghadh eile de dh’aithrisean bho thasglann ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ agus am prògram a’ comharrachadh an 30mh sreath. Am measg nan sgeulachdan a chithear tha aithris mu cheann-suidhe ùr air an Ruis – fear Vladimir Putin; cò ris a bha e coltach a bhith beò ann an Cosobho an teis mheadhan cogaidh anns na naochadan; agus inneir bheathaichean ga chuir gu feum ann an dòigh annasach anns an Nirribhidh!
Andrew Mackinnon presents another selection of reports from the ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ archive as the programme marks its 30th series. Among the stories featured are a first look at Russia’s new president - Vladimir Putin; a report on life in Kosovo during the war there in the ‘90s; and how animal manure was being put to a new use in Norway!
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