Episode 7
Sweden has experienced a sharp increase in deadly gun crime. Gang conflict is behind much of the violence, but some argue that the problem has roots in wider Swedish society.
Tha an t-Suain air a bhith a’ dèilgeadh ri ìrean à rd de ionnsaighean-gunna bho chionn greis. Air a’ bhliadhna seo fhèin, suas chun t-Sultain, tha faisg air leth-cheud neach air am beatha a chall ri linn an fhòirneart seo, agus mòran theaghlaichean a’ fulang a’ bhuaidh mhìlteach. Mar a tha Anndra MacFhionghain ag aithris, tha buidhnean-eucor an cois mòran den chòmh-stri seo agus tha an riaghaltas a-nis a’ muigheadh binnean nas cruaidhe dha eucoirich agus smacan a’ bharrachd air armachd mì-laghail. Ach tha feadhainn a’ cumail a-mach gu bheil freumhaichean na trioblaid a’ dol nas fharsuinge na seo.
Sweden has been experiencing a sharp increase in deadly gun crime. Up until September almost 50 people had lost their lives this year alone, with many families experiencing its destructive effects. As Andrew Mackinnon reports, gang conflict is behind much of the violence and the Swedish government has vowed to fight the problem with tougher sentences and greater restrictions aimed at combating the problem of illegal weapons. But some argue that the problem has roots in wider Swedish society.
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Eucoir ghunnaichean san t-Suain

Tha Anndra MacFhiongain ag aithris à Stockholm, agus e a' bruidhinn ri daoine a chaill cà irdean ri ionnsaighean gunna, agus ri eòlaichean a tha a' mìneachadh carson a tha seo air tachairt san t-Suain, agus ciamar as fheà rr an t-suidheachadh a chur ceart.
Gun crime in Sweden

This week, Andrew MacKinnon is in Stockholm, speaking to people who have lost loved ones due to the rise in gun violence, as well as to experts who explain why this has happened in Sweden, and how best to improve the current situation.
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