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Episode 9

Eileen Macdonald reports on the campaign to restore consultant-led maternity services in Moray. In Poland there is a shortage of coal due to a ban on Russian imports as a result of the war in Ukraine.

Tha Eileen NicDhòmhnaill ag aithris air an iomairt gus seirbhis mhàthaireil le àrd-dhotair a thilleadh gu sgìre Mhoireibh gus nach bith aig boireannaich a dhol a dh’Obar Dheathain airson leanaibh a bhith aca. Tha iarratasan cuideachd ann airson leasachadh ann an seirbhisean màthaireil ann an Gallaibh. Anns a’ Phòlainn tha Annabel Nic ’Illinnein ag aithris air mar a tha cogadh na h-Ùgrain air gainnead ghuail adhbhrachadh san dùthaich a’ fàgail gu bheil mòran dhaoine a’ strì gus na taighean aca a chumail blàth air a’ gheamhradh. Feumaidh a’ Phòlainn a-nis seann mèinnean guail fhosgladh agus droch ghual a’ cheadachadh airson losgadh.

Eileen Macdonald reports on the campaign to restore consultant-led maternity services in Moray so that women avoid the long journey to Aberdeen to give birth. There are also demands for improved maternity and women’s health services in Caithness. In Poland there is a shortage of coal due to a ban on Russian imports as a result of the war in Ukraine. Annabel Maclennan reports on how people fear they will struggle to keep their homes warm through the winter, and concerns that the re-opening of the country’s old mines to make up the shortfall and increased use of low-grade coal will increase air pollution.

29 minutes

Seirbheisean màthaireil Mhoireibh

Seirbheisean màthaireil Mhoireibh
Gheall Rùnaire Slàinte na h-Alba gun till seirbheis mhàthaireil le àrd-dhotairean an ceann na seirbheis gu Moireibh. Thàinig lùghdachadh air an t-seirbheis aig Ospadal Dr Gray's ann an 2018 ri linn cion luchd-obrach. Feumaidh a' mhòr-chuid de bhoireannaich anns an sgìre, agus a tha an dùil ri leanabh, uair a thìde gu leth a shiubhail gu Obar Dheathain, far a bheil àrd-dhotairean. Tha luchd-iomairt leithid Keep Mum (Maternity Unit Moray) ag ràdh gur e suidheachadh fìor chunnartach agus cugallach a th' ann agus nach fhada gus am bi tubaist mhairbhteach ann. Tha ceistean mòr ann ged-tà cuin dìreach a thilleas an t-seirbheis gu Moireibh, dè chosgais a bhios na chois agus dè a' bhuaidh a bheir an co-dhùnadh air seirbheisean slàinte eile san eadar-ama, gu h-àraid sa Ghàidhealtachd. Dh'fhaodadh gun tèid na ceistean sin a fhreagairt goirid ron Nollaig agus dùil ri fiosrachadh a bharrachd.

Moray's maternity services

Moray's maternity services
Scotland's Health Secretary promised the reinstatement of consultant-led maternity services to Dr Gray's in Moray. The service was downgraded in 2018, with a lack of staff being cited. The majority of expectant mothers from the area travel the 90-minute journey to Aberdeen. Campaigners like Keep Mum (Maternity Unit Moray) say this is completely inadequate, dangerous and a fatality is inevitable. But when will this happen, what will it cost to see the return of the service and how will this impact other health services in neighbouring communities in the interim. Campaigners hope many of these basic questions will be answered when a service update is expected later in December.

Gainnead guail sa Phòlainn

Gainnead guail sa Phòlainn
Tha 70% de dhachaighean anns a' Phòlainn an eiseimeil gual airson an teasachadh. Tha a' Phòlainn a' cladhach barrachd guail na dùthaich sam bith eile san Aonadh ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ch. Ach ri linn crìonadh anns a' ghnìomhachas, thathas cuideachd ga cheannach bho thall-thairis. Bha 75% dhan ghual seo a' tighinn às an Ruis. Anns a' Ghiblean, ri linn cogadh na h-Ugràin, chuir Riaghaltas na Pòlainn casg air gual Ruiseanach mar phàirt de smachd-bhannan. Cha do rinn a' chòrr dhen EU seo chun an Lùnastal agus mar sin, bha ùine ullachaidh aca. Cha robh aig a' Phòlainn. Tha sin a' ciallachadh gu bheil an gual a-nis gann agus gu bheil duilgheadasan air a bhith aig mòran ann a bhith ga fhaighinn air thoiseach air mìosan fuar a' gheamhraidh. Tha ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ a' rannsachadh a' bhuaidh a tha seo a' toirt air muinntir na dùthcha agus na tha an Riaghaltas a' dèanamh mu dheidhinn.

Coal shortage in Poland

Coal shortage in Poland
Seventy percent of Polish homes are dependent on coal for heating. Poland mines more coal than any other country in the EU but due to a decline in the industry, they've had to supplement this with foreign imports. Seventy five percent of Poland's imported coal used to come from Russia. In April however, as a result of the war in Ukraine, Russian coal was banned by the Polish Government. This sanction was also implemented by the rest of the EU but not until August, giving them time to stockpile. Poland didn't have this time. That has resulted in a coal shortage and many Poles have faced issues in accessing coal ahead of the cold winter months. ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ looks at the impact this has had on the people of Poland and what the government is doing about the situation.


³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Naidheachdan

³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Naidheachdan

Naidheachdan agus fiosrachadh sa Ghàidhlig bhon a' BhBC
