Episode 9
Eileen Macdonald reports on the campaign to restore consultant-led maternity services in Moray. In Poland there is a shortage of coal due to a ban on Russian imports as a result of the war in Ukraine.
Tha Eileen NicDhòmhnaill ag aithris air an iomairt gus seirbhis mhà thaireil le à rd-dhotair a thilleadh gu sgìre Mhoireibh gus nach bith aig boireannaich a dhol a dh’Obar Dheathain airson leanaibh a bhith aca. Tha iarratasan cuideachd ann airson leasachadh ann an seirbhisean mà thaireil ann an Gallaibh. Anns a’ Phòlainn tha Annabel Nic ’Illinnein ag aithris air mar a tha cogadh na h-Ùgrain air gainnead ghuail adhbhrachadh san dùthaich a’ fà gail gu bheil mòran dhaoine a’ strì gus na taighean aca a chumail blà th air a’ gheamhradh. Feumaidh a’ Phòlainn a-nis seann mèinnean guail fhosgladh agus droch ghual a’ cheadachadh airson losgadh.
Eileen Macdonald reports on the campaign to restore consultant-led maternity services in Moray so that women avoid the long journey to Aberdeen to give birth. There are also demands for improved maternity and women’s health services in Caithness. In Poland there is a shortage of coal due to a ban on Russian imports as a result of the war in Ukraine. Annabel Maclennan reports on how people fear they will struggle to keep their homes warm through the winter, and concerns that the re-opening of the country’s old mines to make up the shortfall and increased use of low-grade coal will increase air pollution.
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Seirbheisean mà thaireil Mhoireibh

Moray's maternity services

Gainnead guail sa Phòlainn

Coal shortage in Poland

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