Yvonne's Scottish Shortbread and Wintery Orange Posset
Shortbread – Makes about 24

150g plain flour
50g cornflour
2 pinches of salt
100g caster sugar
100g semolina
200g unsalted butter, straight from the fridge
10g caster sugar, for sprinkling
Orange Possett
300ml double cream
100g caster sugar
3 firm oranges (Zest and juice)
Shortbread method
1. Reheat the oven at 170c.
2. Mix the plain flour, cornflour, salt together in food processor. Then add caster sugar and semolina it in, and mix together again.
3. Grate butter (just out from the fridge) with a grater. It will look like grated cheese.
4. Add it into the food processor, and blend well until all combined. It should be quite crumbly but still a bit sticky.
5. Apply immediately onto a small rectangle or square baking tin and press until all even and smooth, it should be about half an inch in length.
6 - Poke with a fork to make little holes. Sprinkle the caster sugar and give the tray a little shake.
7 - Bake for about 25 minutes until golden brown.
8 - When out of the oven, immediately cut them into squares with lines. Leave to cool, then take out the squares.
They taste better after 3rd day! That is if they've not already been eaten. Enjoy.
Wintery Orange Posset
1. Add the cream, orange zest and sugar into a small pan. Simmer until the sugar has melted which will take about 3 minutes. Increase to a higher temperature for only about 30 seconds.
2. Then remove from the heat immediately. (Do make sure that the cream does not boil and froth as it ruins the flavour).
3. Immediately stir in the orange juice and let it cool down for about 10 minutes. Pour into a pouring jug.
4. Stir again and then gently pour it into pretty glassware.
Cover with foil and chill for at least 3 hours or overnight.