Anna's Egg Masterclass

Anna says: “Don't be scared of poached eggs - just give it a go! Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes. Sometimes you might undercook your poached eggs, and sometimes you might over-cook them. Practice makes perfect - it's learning from the little mistakes that will make you an egg-cellent cook!”
Take a big pan of water so your eggs have plenty of room, and get it gently bubbling - you don't want it on a rolling boil as it will be too harsh on the eggs.
OPTIONAL STEP - Take a small cups / dish, and add a tiny amount of vinegar to the bottom of this dish. Then take your egg (or eggs, you can poach more than one at a time) from the fridge, and crack the egg into the dish. (This step is completely optional, you don't have to use the vinegar but it can help keep the egg white and yolk together if your eggs aren't fresh, however it can flavour your egg slightly of vinegar. It is not essential for a perfect poached egg).
Create a vortex to drop your egg into by swirling the water with a spoon.
Gently pour your egg in from the bowl, as close to the water as possible. You don't want to crack or drop the egg from a height.
The eggs will take about 3 minutes - set a timer and make sure the rest of your meal (like your toast) is ready and prepared so you can eat your eggs straight away.
Use a slotted spoon to remove easily - you don't want to be fishing your poached egg out with a spatula!
Top Tips - Use big pan. Create a vortex. Drop eggs in close to water. USE FRESH EGGS.
You can add more than one egg at a time.
Anna says: “You don’t need to use too much oil.”
Some people like their eggs crispy, and some people, like me, like theirs soft. Some people like to have their egg 'sunny side up' - which is when you only cook one side of the egg, whereas others like to flip their eggs and cook both sides ('over easy').
For a perfect fried egg, again you want to start with a fresh egg.
Start with a medium-temperature frying pan, and put at least 3tbsp of oil in the pan - you'll see why we need some extra oil later.
It can be difficult to get the very top bit of egg white cooked, and flipping your egg is a bit of gamble. My tip is to tilt your frying pan and use a spoon to spoon the hot oil over the top of the egg to make sure the top bit of the white is cooked, without having to flip it.
Take your eggs from room temperature if you are boiling them, as it stop the shells from cracking when you transfer them to the hot water.
How long you boil your eggs in the shell for depends on how you want to eat them.
I boiled the eggs for different amount of times: I did 6 minutes for the dippy egg, 8 minutes for the soft-boiled egg, and 13 minutes for the hard boiled egg.
My favourite type of egg to cook and eat is a boiled egg, done for 6 minutes. I then run them under cold water once they're done, which stops them from cooking any further, and also helps to peel the shell off the egg. You can then season the yolk.